In case you are an attractive mid 30, early 40 something looking for these 100 qualities you came to the right place. Let me know if you happened to Google one of the 100 qualities and you may earn extra bonus points to win a date with me! HAHAHA Lucky sap.
No really I was catching up on my reading of daily blogs and came across
311Boys blog and thought WOW I wonder if I could make a list of my own. A list I would encourage all of you who happen to read my blog or 311Boys to make your own. I would love to know your top 100 qualities about YOU! If you are not all that comfortable writing them on your blog perhaps you can share an e-mail with me. So here you go THE List of 100 things about me you may or may not want to know....jump ship if your not ready to laugh, cry, or be totally mistified(hey don't say I didn't warn you).
1. I am a mother of one beautiful, charming, intelligent, delightful, raspberry blowing 9 month old baby girl!
2. I am a loyal friend who calls to remind you "I am still here if you need me".
3. I sleep on the left side of the bed (if you are standing at the foot of the bed)
4. My favorite ice cream treat is twist with sprinkles.
5. As I get older I drink adult beverages more for social reasons other than to find out how much my body can take before giving up and sleeping on the bathroom floor just in case of emergency.
6. I enjoy trying new beers and/or wine, for the taste and not the alcohol content.
7. Being bundled up in a soft blanket reading a book in the middle of summer, in the air conditioned house is ubsurd but feels so good!
8. I would rather be sweating my ass off than freeze to death.
9. I love to look at men in uniform(yes even the UPS man looks good, well some do)
10. I procrastinate(tell ya more later)
11. When I am not listening to todays hit music without all the rap, I enjoy singing along to Laurie Berkner(childrens singer song writer)
12. Men with grey hair in their 30's & 40's are HOT, twice as hot if in uniform see #9.
13. When watching a movie I get annoyed if you ask me to explain what is going on, just watch the damn movie.
14. Popcorn without alot of butter and a cold coke with ice are great with a movie.
15. I am a closet
Age of Love reality show TV watcher.
16. I am the oldest of 5 siblings.
17. There is only a year and a half between my younger brother and me and almost 14 years between my youngest sister.
18. I don't like to gamble, it makes me nauseous.
19. I like to watch other people gamble.
20. I have swam in the Carribean Ocean.
21. I would love to take another trip to an all inclusive resort with a special person or group of friends.
22. My last trip to Jamaica was for my sister in laws wedding, she was a beautiful bride.
23. I grew up on the west side of the D, but have lived longer on the east.
24. I can count on one hand the number of friends I have had since H.S.
25. One of those friends since my second from the youngest sister was born 22 years ago.
26. I enjoy having more friends now that I am older, some I don't need to even hang out with that much.
27. I am three degrees of seperation from Kevin Bacon(this I just found out this spring)
28. I SUCK at text messaging, and was reminded by a teenager this past week.
29. My mother lost touch with the family 11 years ago, and has since returned but only to let us know she is alive.
30. I am ok with this or in denial, only time will tell.
31. I have not spoke with my mother in over 11 years.
32. I was engaged for 5 years to my first true love.
33. But was never engaged to my soul mate who I told to go away.
34. I miss my soul mate and thought of hiring a private investigator, but thought that might sound to stalker-ish and he may not like me anymore or is married.
35. I kill house plants by simply not watering them, if they whined or pooped their pants they may get more attention.
36. I started a journal, to remind myself of what I did yesterday(not that I am forgetful)
37. I want to get rid of my credit card debt and never ask for credit again, except for maybe a house or a new car.
38. I have big boobs, great eyes and an even better smile.(just trying to increase the Google hits)
39. I have a charming work voice, I thinkI may have drawn in more work by working my come grind with us voice when answering the phone.
40. I work for a company that does machining and grinding.
41. I am not a short skirt, heavy make-up wearing kind of girl, nor do I play one on TV, or movies.
42. I am the girl next door, but not the one who lives in Hugh Hefner's place.
43. I hope to sell my house soon.
44. I hate the whole process of moving, but love the idea of being some place new.
45. I cried when I went to Disney World, I was 28.
46. I cried tears of joy because it made me feel small and innocent.
47. I have an imaginary celebrity boyfriend his name is
Eric Dane, he never calls.
48. I don't wear lipstick, because I find myself licking my lips to much.
49. I love to wear high heels but don't because I don't go anywhere anymore.
50. I own a pair of 6 inch black patent leather stilletos, I fell ONCE.
51. I am almost single, and was married for 4 years.
52. I don't feel any different now that I am almost single than when I was married.
53. My dog is the one suffering the most from my divorce.
54. Her name is Cujo and she doesn't get to sleep in the bed anymore.
55. When I was little my mother put me in girl scouts, it was fun until we went camping.
56. I hate camping the whole out-house and public showers just makes me feel more dirty.
57. I do like to have camp fires and make s'mores.
58. The best part of girl scouts was the cookies.
59. My mom's side of the family made up for most of the parenting time missed by my own parents.
60. My aunts are my backbone they are never judgemental and have been more than supportive of everything I have done in my life.
61. My uncles are the disciplinaries they were not afraid to beat the hell out of me if did anything wrong, which was never.
62. I am proud that I will have all of them helping me raise my little girl.
63. I never find time to exercise the way I used to.
64. Nor do I eat as healthy.
65. Water is my drink of choice.
66. Coffee is my drink of necessity.
67. I love to cook.
68. Comfort food is my specialty, pot roast, mashed potatoes, lasanga, anything with meat, cheese and/or butter.
69. Racheal Ray is my idol, I want to be just like her....I think I was in my past life.
70. I should get royalties for creating her.
71. It took me three years to create my miracle, infertility SUCKS.
72. My baby is the best gift God has ever given me.
73. I hope and pray He gave me the strength and wisdom to raise her right with the package, instructions were NOT included.
74. It still amazes me that I gave birth.....without passing out.
75. I wish I was a stay at home mom.
76. I drive entirely way to much, it doesn't bother me unless I get stuck in traffic.
77. I prefer to drive than having someone else, maybe it is a control thing but mostly it is because I get car sick if I try to read, sleep or watch a movie.
78. Material things don't make me as happy as much as someone wanting to be with me.
79. My strength comes from life experiences, not from something I read in a book.
80. It makes me happy to hear a child laugh from just a simple smile.
81. My daugthers laughter is intoxicating.
82. I love to read before bed or write in my journal.
83. I have to sleep with a fan on, just for the sound.
84. Taking this one from Jen, now that I am older I want to do some soul searching.
85. I worry to much on what others think of me.
86. I wondered what I might be doing now if I would have stayed in college.
87. College away from home for a year was all about survival, when I realized how much tuition was and I was paying for it I moved back home.
88. I continued in college for another year and a half but never got a degree.
89. Working two jobs and going to school burned me out, so I quit.
90. I have a terrible sense of fashion, it gets worse as I get older.
91. I wish my friends would seceretly video tape me and send it to Stacy and Clinton of
What Not to Wear.
92. A $5,000 shopping spree is very overwhelming to me, I wouldn't know where to start.
93. I have spent an entire sunday afternoon watching endless shows on TLC.
94. I am a people watcher, I tend to observe more than participate.
95. I enjoy getting personal mail, it assures me that person took extra time out of their day.
96. I enjoy sending personal mail because people like to feel appreciated, and I appreciate them.
97. I could spend an hour or more in a Hallmark, beautiful things make me happy.
98. Dark chocolate could possibly save my life.
99. It has taken me endless hours to put this list together.
100. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do, if not Bite ME!