I have been meaning to write and tell you about my exciting week and upcoming weekend, but damn the man who created work and responsiblity! I have really been contemplating hooking up the internet back at home but geez the price of luxury in my area is about the price of a tank of gas, after weighing the pros and cons I still have to drive so the tank of gas won out the luxury to sit at home in my pajamas in a dark room talking to all of you on the internet, damn that man too!
Update on Morgan, she is doing great thanks to the antibiotics that she is now taking a liking to after five days of sitting on her and shoving the plastic syringe down her throat only to be sprayed with pink shower when she exhales to scream at me WWWWHHHHYYYYY!!!!! Her nose is now releasing the mucus that had settled in her head for over a week. It was nice to hear her laugh yesterday, it was funny to her to stick her finger up my nose!! hiralious, it wasn't the most pleasant feeling but her laughter made up the difference.
Last night I took Morgan to my MIL to spend the night so I didn't have to drive her in the snowy conditions morning and she was safe at Gramma's to spend the day, until I have to pick her up tonight. This opportunity without a baby shadow opened up a window of cleaning of a house I have neglected for a couple weeks. A house that will entertain a new bible study small group tonight, (more on that in a minute). So right after the scrubbing of toilets, stripping the bed sheets, two loads of laundry, and making a
gooey butter cake, I decided to vaccum which at my house is an hour long choir in itself. About half way through the vaccum decides to stop sucking and make a humming noise so with quick thinking I turn off the
Red Dirt Devil and begin to smell the burning of OHHHH God what is that???? I un-plug the vaccum and stick it outside to cool or just die from the rotten stench that is permiating my living room. After 10 minutes on the porch I let the Red Dirt Devil back in turn it over a begin the operation... trusty screwdriver in hand, the smell still eminating from underneath. I remove the plastic cover that holds the guts of a round brush and rubber belt to find..........DOG HAIR! Damn Dog! So much dog hair it has melted itself around the metal pin that spins the brush, much to my surprise and thanks to my quick thinking the rubber belt is spared and can be used again after a cleaning. After spending more time than I wanted to cleaning the vaccum and the floors are clean, the bathrooms have a fresh scent, and the gooey butter cake is ready for eating, I can remain calm until the guests arrive.
Me a leader you have got to be kidding??!!! No it is true I have signed up to lead a small bible study group at my house on Friday nights at 7pm. By small I talking under 5-6 people so far, until those people go tell other people how cool I am and they will all be knocking on my door to become a part of what my church calls
Trans4mation! I am excited for the opportunity that God has put before me, a positive challenge that is welcoming to the year I have been through. This opportunity is good because I can put my baby to bed and be home and climb into bed after the guest leave. Come back next week where we will be talking about the study and Hannah Montana!!! whoa-who!