Last night Morgan and I spent sometime outside because allergies be damned I will enjoy the last few days of sun and warm comfortable temperatures even when it means I suffer from hay fever. As we wandered around the yard pointing at different bugs in the grass and Morgan walking through EVERY dried up pile of grass left by the lawnmower. I took a minute to watch her walk, jump, and fall down just to hear her say "UH-OH faaaallll down, git UP"! She talks so much now a days there is nothing she doesn't try to say. Right down to when I answer her I use the word baby or honey at the end of the answer and she will repeat after me like "it's ok honey" or "listen baby, you have to listen". It is just so cute to hear her tiny voice, I often make her recite the Five Little Monkeys book cause "doctor says no no monkeys jump on bed". We eventually made our walk over to the neighbors swing set because of my daughters love affair with the swing. The swing at the beginning of the summer she could not hold onto or had enough coordination to stay on for very long, eventually turned into swinging on her tummy, and now she can sit on the swing hold on and lean back as far as she can screaming "push me HIGHER MOMMIE"!
I can't believe in just a few short summer months this girl has went from itsy bitsy baby to full on itsy bitsy toddler, all 23 months and 21.6 pounds of her, no fear of bugs, heights, or falling. My girl is in constant motion right down to bed time, she can be a chatter box reading her books to go to bed now within a matter of minutes. Your typical tom-boy if you will, loves to point out every digger or dump truck she sees while in the car, and loves to run in mud puddles. Occasionally she will play with her baby doll but only to put her in the baby stroller and chase the dog around the house. One the other hand she loves to play with her little bunny house and carefully puts each one to sleep and covers them up with their tiny sheets. She also helps me clean the house and loves to take a wad of TP to wipe out the hair from the tub, so glad because I am tired of doing it. With so much all toddler, all the time I have no time to sit down and capture the present, or think of what comes next. I just know that I want to remember these times for as long as my memory will serve me because this tiny girl has the ambition I can only dream of. It makes me so proud to know my baby girl is ready to take on this world full speed ahead. I only hope I have enough in me to keep up, heaven help me year number 3 is approaching quicker than the last one.