Friday, February 27, 2009


Can you hear it, feel it, taste it, smell it??? I took a peek at my calendar for next month and right there, right on the 20th of March is a promise of Spring!! YES Spring the time of year to start a new! And wouldn't you know it only eight days after the beginning of Spring I will be moving into a new place to start a new OH the irony! I know what your thinking she is smoking something over there cause she just posted two days in a row and now this!!
Has anyone seen Horton Hears a Who? The movie I had to put a stop to cause I can only take so much Who's cause the noise, noise, noise(insert vision of The Grinch with the dizzy eyes and the drums beating over his head)......for five weeks straight chattering in your ear while your daughter watches the movie from the backseat of the car, will put anyone in a loony bin, or make me compare the notion of Spring.The scene that makes me laugh goes something like this one of the animals in the jungle is carrying around a clover with a make believe world and the animal says...."My world is magical and beautiful, we eat rainbows and poop butterflies" and Horton replies "that's wonderful in an odd sort of way""uh-ha"
Now that I think of it the anticipation of Spring is kinda like Horton Hears a Who, I know it is there some of us don't and until it screams " WE ARE HERE!!" no one is going to believe it.
If you haven't watched the movie I suggest you go rent it, it really is fun some adult humor too. I won't be ruining it for you if I tell you there is a boob reference more than once, if you like that sort of thing, and the only reason I would have picked up on it is because my brother mentioned it. That and the thought of 96 daughters and one son sharing one bathroom made me giggle a little. Oh that Dr. Seuss he really knows how to entertain.
Oh and I hope you enjoy the new header it makes me feel warm, hope it brings you the same.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Out like a Lion, In like a Lamb?

At least I think that is the expression one uses to define Spring and Winter, or the likes of the blog postings around here. Let's just forget about what's been going on for months and get to what is going on today.
(sound of crickets fills the air)
I have been hit with the wicked cold bug that everyone seems to be getting these days. The pressure my head is able to with-hold is set on warning extremely high. I am almost certain it will burst at any moment given the amount of pain in my ears and behind my eyes.
Morgan still has the same type of cold minus the amount of pressure she can sense going on in her head given how long she can resume whining longer than I can resume listening. Why do toddlers whine in pain when they don't get the right color sippy cup of milk?? or when they don't like the choice of pants for the day?? or the size of banana slice you put on their plate, only to find out they wanted the whole banana?? Oh yes the patience of parenthood be it ever so humble grant me strength so as not to hide in a closet or an underground storage area until this age of self independence and choice has passed.
In other news I just purchased a new pair of wicked bowling shoes I hope they get here before the end of the bowling season. The shoes I have been sportin' have taken on a certain smell and just don't slide like they used to. If the shoes don't improve my game at least they will improve my look and the need to place an odor eater inside my bowling bag.
The weather is a balmy 4o+ degrees today which makes it feel a bit more spring like around here. Spring is just tip-toeing in the great State of Michigan, nice to see it can get warm even if it is only 40 degrees warm.
I just started reading a book my imaginary friend suggested. I like to say I just can't put it down, which in part is true for the past 3 nights I have woke at 2am to find it still in the clutches of my hands only it is still on page 6 and laying face down on my chest. The cold medicine has this effect on me that when taken in large amounts I pass right out.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Monday Meanderings #20

Who is counting anyway?? My weekends have been longer seeing that I currently have Mondays off, to which I have no excuse to have a more up to date meandering posted here. Looks like the only person beating myself up about it is me. So self quit be so damn hard on yourself, yes I talk in third person now that facebook has come along. When ever I go to change my status the default is set to say Michelle is... it makes me pause and think what I am really doing is wasting my life away connecting to people who I never really connected with in 20 years and yet I am drawn to it like a moth to a flame. Really I should be spending time with all of you the ones who embrace my life and want to know more of it and your not required to throw me any beads or take care of my sea garden or lil green patch(unless you have the tools to do so).
Last week I was at a cross roads of decisions I would make as to where I am going to live in eight weeks, yes eight short weeks, to pack eight long years of living under one roof. Well I am happy to say I have found my new humble abode! Even though it is only 20 minutes closer to work it is the best offer I found and think it is a step in the right direction. My good friend dr.Bray not only was she there for me when I needed help in my early months of motherhood returning to work, watching Morgan for me, her Mom has offered her condo to me for the next 12 months or longer depending on how well of a renter I am and how well she is as a landlord. The condo is beautiful and big and requires less money to warm the place to which I am more than thrilled! More details will come and movers will be needed and pop, beer and pizza will be provided. I am excited to be moving on but dread the packing and rearranging it requires. Needless to say I have had more rest in the last two nights than I have in awhile. For once I feel I am making decisions for me and not anyone else, it feels weird and liberating at the same time.
Today I am throwing a playdate/girly afternoon for my BFF&A, her little man, her sister(who is in from LA), dr.Bray and her boys. We are going to have a lunch and enjoy each others company over kool-aid.
I am excited for the warm weather because I tried to entertain Morgan the other day with the water table she got for Christmas. I thought it is just water right? well that is fine if you child doesn't mind walking around in her diaper while playing in it, but when she wants to wear clothes, four outfits later, in one hour, then ends up sticking her whole head in the water it is time to put it outside. She had fun with it and has almost manipulated me into filling it up again, with her please puppy dog eyes, and telling me how much she loves me.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Preparing for the Next Step

I'll have to admit I have been staying away from this place simply because all that is pondering through my head these days, last week, last month is "The Move". I know it is imminent has been for over a year now, I have been fortunate to have a roof over my head this far. I don't know where "The Move" is taking us just yet there are options out there.
The house where I reside has been the one permanent fixture I have lived in far longer than any other in my life, or of what I can remember. Growing up we moved alot always staying in a particular area so as not to be to far from family or the same school, but a different house. When I graduated from high school and went off to college I moved 3 times in one year. I am an expert when it comes to moving and getting from point A to B without using a whole lot of time and energy packing un-necessary boxes when your just gonna un-pack them in a couple hours. I learned to keep momentum's to a minimum and invested in hard plastic containers for the items you can't live without but don't look at everyday.
This time feels different, IS different. I have a same child who comes with more than I have ever had in my life time. I also have eight years worth of "stuff" that has accumulated and will be purged because "stuff" that once occupied over 2000 square feet will only bring clutter to less than 1000 square feet.
I am overwhelmed and hopefully,
Patient and over excited,
Optimistic and faithful,
Disappointed yet blessed to have another opportunity of one door closing to find another one opening to a new chapter of my life.
"The Move" will not be permanent at least that is how it feels, but a stepping stone in the right direction to something that will undoubtedly bring something much more than what my mind can wrap around at the moment.