Let me begin by telling you moving sucks! The End.
Why do people accumulate so much stuff?? stuff you use, stuff you don't, stuff that makes the house look homey, stuff that makes an apple peel easier, stuff you smell, stuff to read, stuff in drawers, stuff that fills your walk in closet, stuff you build, stuff that has been in a box since the day you moved in is still in the same box to move out! It is an overwhelming feeling to sit in so much stuff! Let me tell you I started to purge the stuff, but then the thought of a whole house of stuff having to be defined as keep, toss, or donate proved to be to much thinking on my part. Needless to say most of the stuff got tossed in a box anyway to be determined at a later date.
With that said I have moved a considerable amount of stuff to my new condo this weekend. I got my keys to the palace on Saturday and wasted no time loading up 2 cars and my Jeep and started pushing in the stuff through every opening I could find. How come it takes more time to load a vehicle than unload a vehicle and when you bring in the stuff it doesn't look like you moved in much?
Next weekend will be a final farewell to a home I have stayed in longer than any other in my lifetime. When I was young we moved often so I can adjust to change fairly quickly and welcome the new feel. Over the years I have learned it is not the roof over your head but the comfort in your heart that makes the place a home.
The home I am leaving feels like a place of bad choices and overwhelming responsibility. Over the last 3 years it has lost its luster of promises and happily ever after. That is not to say it is not chalked full of good times and fond memories. It will be remembered as the home my daughter was first brought home to, a place where she took her first steps. A great many family parties room for everyone to be in one place at one time. The basement with seven televisions and wicked surround sound that was built in 35 days. Girly nights and spilled wine. Quiet afternoons gardening, the never ending weeds. The admiration of a fresh cut lawn or the view of the stars. The experience has made me who I am today and will hopefully shape my character of tomorrow.
Hope has come in the form of change to a new beginning at a place I know feels like home. I look forward to more great times spent where my heart will pour out into my stuff that I surround myself in. I look forward to the laughter of good times my daughter will bring as we share new memories together in our condo.
I don't want to forget to mention my good friend dr. Bray her mother is my new landlord with our her giving me this opportunity to stay at her beautiful condo, I don't think I would have felt so much at home. I know she will be over to share in my joy as we share cocktails on a summer afternoon off the deck. Thank You Diane because of people like you in the world it is a much better place.