My cold has almost subsided if you don't listen to me talk, cough, or walk for that matter you would never know I still had mucus filled in left side of my head. If I move to quickly my equilibrium is thrown off and even a two year old can knock me on my ass. Last night I thought after I put Morgan down to sleep I could take the NyQuil my sister had hidden under her bed and get a good nights rest. Only when I put Morgan down for the night (and what I thought was asleep) she feels the need to get up and roam the house until she finds me so she can intertwine her limbs around my neck and spine. This is nice for about fifteen minutes until she falls asleep again leaving me with ten inches of a queen size bed and hanging on the edge so as not to fall to my death in my sleep. Then starts the pins and needle feeling in the right side of my body because the leg I have positioned to hold me and a 28 pound child up for the night is about to give way from the loss of blood supply.
Before you judge me on the sleeping habits, I know me the parent, has created let's take a look at what I would miss if I don't give myself the opportunity to lay down with my child for the night.....
My daughter has an array of stuffed toys, a few play coins, a couple animal figurines, a favorite blanket, and a hand full of "yellow" balls that accompany her in the big girl bed every night. There is an inventory taken almost every night to make sure she isn't missing anyone, by that I mean fellow stuffed toys named George in three different sizes, and then she takes the time to put everyone on their bellies to sleep. Then she will turn to me and say "see you in the morning". Cute, no? Most nights it is others not so much. Like the nights she will rearrange for more than ten minutes and I ended up getting knocked in the head with a baton that somehow appears from under the covers, then I usually throw my hands in the air while yelling "abort""abort" I am going to my own bed "PEACE OUT"!
The nights I love the most are the "Mom, I Love You" nights where Morgan will remind me of how much she loves me, and I can hear myself through her mouth when she whispers "your my favorite" and she closes her eyes and drifts asleep, and the smells of her hair below my nose makes me stay in the comfort of her choke hold and I can't imagine a better place to be.
I realize I am missing out on many prime time television shows or movies and the time to myself that I need to unwind, update this blog, paint my toe nails, take a hot bubble bath, write a thank you note, start a new addiction like twitter or hey here's one I haven't done in awhile read a book! These things I am taking away from myself to invest in a nurturing environment to share with my one and only child.
Before you judge me on the sleeping habits, I know me the parent, has created let's take a look at what I would miss if I don't give myself the opportunity to lay down with my child for the night.....
My daughter has an array of stuffed toys, a few play coins, a couple animal figurines, a favorite blanket, and a hand full of "yellow" balls that accompany her in the big girl bed every night. There is an inventory taken almost every night to make sure she isn't missing anyone, by that I mean fellow stuffed toys named George in three different sizes, and then she takes the time to put everyone on their bellies to sleep. Then she will turn to me and say "see you in the morning". Cute, no? Most nights it is others not so much. Like the nights she will rearrange for more than ten minutes and I ended up getting knocked in the head with a baton that somehow appears from under the covers, then I usually throw my hands in the air while yelling "abort""abort" I am going to my own bed "PEACE OUT"!
The nights I love the most are the "Mom, I Love You" nights where Morgan will remind me of how much she loves me, and I can hear myself through her mouth when she whispers "your my favorite" and she closes her eyes and drifts asleep, and the smells of her hair below my nose makes me stay in the comfort of her choke hold and I can't imagine a better place to be.
I realize I am missing out on many prime time television shows or movies and the time to myself that I need to unwind, update this blog, paint my toe nails, take a hot bubble bath, write a thank you note, start a new addiction like twitter or hey here's one I haven't done in awhile read a book! These things I am taking away from myself to invest in a nurturing environment to share with my one and only child.