There really is a million excuses why I don't update here on a regular basis, but rest assure I have every intention to do so in a minute. With today's technology of Facebook, DVR, and text messaging my world completely turns every so often I get hooked into one thing only then oh look something shiny...... my point I guess is I am not good a multi-tasking as I once thought I was. It could be an early sign of dementia or old age woman set in her ways only the ways change and I get over obsessed with the task at hand that I completely forget what I did yesterday. Good thing Morgan doesn't need a bottle anymore the kid would starve, how was it I remembered feeding schedules, bowel movements and bath time in the early parenting years? Just a short 24 months later I can't remember if I have given her the four basic food groups, or is it five. Can someone hand me a fresh pen and a stack of post-it notes.
Summer has been one fun filled weekend after another. Just when I thought I could rest and enjoy the day at home we get invited to another party, the zoo, a pool, or a lunch with friends. I can't say we don't do anything because we are always doing something. I looked at the calendar yesterday and wouldn't you know it August is here and almost over. As much as I would like to say bummer I am kinda glad we will be back in a routine. Not that we will be given up our social life but we will have to decline some of the endless road trips for a night on the couch to watch Dancing With the Stars.
Morgan has really enjoyed this summer, as did I. I didn't feel like a walking baby carrying machine that every five seconds was removing something from a baby's mouth or inserting something healthy in the baby's mouth. I wasn't the mom barrelling behind a small infant hell bent on smashing her face into sharp objects or falling into a hole. This summer I was the mom who could relax a bit tip back a couple beers, watch every ones reaction when my toddler did what toddlers do, jump off stairs, hang from whatever piece of furniture would hold her tiny frame, run while inevitably stubbing a toe. I know her limits and what she is capable of and was there to brush off the ultimate fail, all part of growing up. Morgan went from riding a tricycle in the beginning of June to a two wheeler (with training wheels) by July.
Not sure where the time has gone if I stop and try to think about it I can't remember. It really does go by so fast, so fast that it makes me look at my girl with amazement the vocabulary that falls out of her mouth down to her actions on her face all photographed in my mind because there is no camera fast enough to take these pictures.
Summer has been one fun filled weekend after another. Just when I thought I could rest and enjoy the day at home we get invited to another party, the zoo, a pool, or a lunch with friends. I can't say we don't do anything because we are always doing something. I looked at the calendar yesterday and wouldn't you know it August is here and almost over. As much as I would like to say bummer I am kinda glad we will be back in a routine. Not that we will be given up our social life but we will have to decline some of the endless road trips for a night on the couch to watch Dancing With the Stars.
Morgan has really enjoyed this summer, as did I. I didn't feel like a walking baby carrying machine that every five seconds was removing something from a baby's mouth or inserting something healthy in the baby's mouth. I wasn't the mom barrelling behind a small infant hell bent on smashing her face into sharp objects or falling into a hole. This summer I was the mom who could relax a bit tip back a couple beers, watch every ones reaction when my toddler did what toddlers do, jump off stairs, hang from whatever piece of furniture would hold her tiny frame, run while inevitably stubbing a toe. I know her limits and what she is capable of and was there to brush off the ultimate fail, all part of growing up. Morgan went from riding a tricycle in the beginning of June to a two wheeler (with training wheels) by July.
Not sure where the time has gone if I stop and try to think about it I can't remember. It really does go by so fast, so fast that it makes me look at my girl with amazement the vocabulary that falls out of her mouth down to her actions on her face all photographed in my mind because there is no camera fast enough to take these pictures.