This may sound as if I don't love every minute I spend with my darling daughter. Let me assure you I would give my last dying breathe for that child of mine. There comes a time in a single parents life when holy begeezious you just need a break from the mundane routine of it all.
Last night my more than generous in-laws, who I never broke up with since the divorce, took Morgan for the night. I did not realize until I got home from a couple stores that I leisurely strolled through, stopping to smell new shoes and notice over priced sales tags. I got home sat on the couch flipped on the TV banned all shows that involve music and learning, switched to the free on demand movies. Made a trip to the bedroom to find my cozy pants, a comfortable pillow, and Breaking Dawn. Before I opened my dinner, a bag of White Castle. I called to check in on Morgan who had informed me that she had not cried about me and was running for the door to get her last ride on the golf cart for the night with her Grandpa. I proceeded to watch Made of Honor, which was a cute funny chic flick just perfect for my night alone! It was 6pm the night was young and I was on my couch eating food without worrying if anything would drop on the floor, not being beckoned to the play room to make supper, there was not one demand to turn on Dora and get another juice. There was only me, my remote, a book and the comfort of home.
Only thing was I had to take a Tylenol PM to get to sleep because I missed the little princess so much, my mind kept wondering if she was ok. I knew she was but my mothering instinct would not shut off, something tells me it never will. Once the sleep came I didn't know I really needed it until this morning when I woke to my alarm and felt refreshed for the day, rejuvenated to start over again. This parenting job is tough, but I wouldn't trade it for the world.