Remember when you were 15 and you couldn't wait to sign up for drivers training? Every chance you got to be behind the wheel of a car made you feel so grown up, and responsibilty never crossed your mind. Lucky for me I grew up with a close family of Aunts and Uncles who were "cool". They would let me drive their purple Dart, black Tempo or green Ford pick-up truck while sitting on their laps down the side streets. Going "up-north" meant that I was sure to get in some driving time on the back roads to and from cottages of friends and family all by myself because of my skills I learned while driving on their laps. When I finally got behind the wheel in drivers training I was an old pro. Except for the rolling stops at every stop sign, which made the purple vein pop out of the top of my instructors fore-head and a weezing sound come out of his left nostral because he would hold his breathe to stop from yelling obsinities in the presence of minors. But I got through it and for the sake of getting my permit I made complete stops. When I finally turned 16 I took my drivers test at the Secretary of State and got my first drivers license (which I still have because my hair looks so totally hot I can't give it up).
That license was freedom, freedom to come and go in a car I didn't have but was saving every $4.75 per hour paycheck for.
So when I turned 17 I got my blue 83' Cavilier! It wasn't exactly what I wanted but the Ford Mustang was out of my price range and I needed wheels....I needed to drive! It was a five speed stick and it took me almost an hour to drive 5 miles home because I had to teach myself how to drive with a clutch. I didn't care I had a car it was mine and I had places to go. I picked up friends taught them how to drive a stick, went away to college, and drove myself to Cedar Point(which is a whole other story).
Which brings me to the present time.....if I would have only known I would be spending 15 hours a week of my life driving I would have never started so soon! The major highway that I take to and from work has thrown in a major re-constructio project that is going to increase the time I spend on my ass to 30 hours a week for the next 2 years!!! And oddly enough my horoscope had this to say this morning: Short trips in your neighborhood may be rendered nearly impossible today by factors above and beyond your control, such as traffic, construction, or both, dear Capricorn. If you have errands to run, put them off. Or if you can, walk or ride a bicycle to run them. If you must go in the car, however, make sure you have your favorite music with you so you can do something while waiting in traffic. Otherwise you'll go crazy with boredom. Imagine that boredom with a screaming 5 month old in the back seat who hates the car seat and refuses to sleep unless the car is moving at a reasonable rate of speed.
So my Life in the Fast Lane has slowed down. Please pray I sell my house so I can move back to the city where I have a shorter drive time and can find something else to bitch about.
So when I turned 17 I got my blue 83' Cavilier! It wasn't exactly what I wanted but the Ford Mustang was out of my price range and I needed wheels....I needed to drive! It was a five speed stick and it took me almost an hour to drive 5 miles home because I had to teach myself how to drive with a clutch. I didn't care I had a car it was mine and I had places to go. I picked up friends taught them how to drive a stick, went away to college, and drove myself to Cedar Point(which is a whole other story).
Which brings me to the present time.....if I would have only known I would be spending 15 hours a week of my life driving I would have never started so soon! The major highway that I take to and from work has thrown in a major re-constructio project that is going to increase the time I spend on my ass to 30 hours a week for the next 2 years!!! And oddly enough my horoscope had this to say this morning: Short trips in your neighborhood may be rendered nearly impossible today by factors above and beyond your control, such as traffic, construction, or both, dear Capricorn. If you have errands to run, put them off. Or if you can, walk or ride a bicycle to run them. If you must go in the car, however, make sure you have your favorite music with you so you can do something while waiting in traffic. Otherwise you'll go crazy with boredom. Imagine that boredom with a screaming 5 month old in the back seat who hates the car seat and refuses to sleep unless the car is moving at a reasonable rate of speed.
So my Life in the Fast Lane has slowed down. Please pray I sell my house so I can move back to the city where I have a shorter drive time and can find something else to bitch about.