Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Life in the FAST Lane???

Remember when you were 15 and you couldn't wait to sign up for drivers training? Every chance you got to be behind the wheel of a car made you feel so grown up, and responsibilty never crossed your mind. Lucky for me I grew up with a close family of Aunts and Uncles who were "cool". They would let me drive their purple Dart, black Tempo or green Ford pick-up truck while sitting on their laps down the side streets. Going "up-north" meant that I was sure to get in some driving time on the back roads to and from cottages of friends and family all by myself because of my skills I learned while driving on their laps. When I finally got behind the wheel in drivers training I was an old pro. Except for the rolling stops at every stop sign, which made the purple vein pop out of the top of my instructors fore-head and a weezing sound come out of his left nostral because he would hold his breathe to stop from yelling obsinities in the presence of minors. But I got through it and for the sake of getting my permit I made complete stops. When I finally turned 16 I took my drivers test at the Secretary of State and got my first drivers license (which I still have because my hair looks so totally hot I can't give it up). That license was freedom, freedom to come and go in a car I didn't have but was saving every $4.75 per hour paycheck for.
So when I turned 17 I got my blue 83' Cavilier! It wasn't exactly what I wanted but the Ford Mustang was out of my price range and I needed wheels....I needed to drive! It was a five speed stick and it took me almost an hour to drive 5 miles home because I had to teach myself how to drive with a clutch. I didn't care I had a car it was mine and I had places to go. I picked up friends taught them how to drive a stick, went away to college, and drove myself to Cedar Point(which is a whole other story).
Which brings me to the present time.....if I would have only known I would be spending 15 hours a week of my life driving I would have never started so soon! The major highway that I take to and from work has thrown in a major re-constructio project that is going to increase the time I spend on my ass to 30 hours a week for the next 2 years!!! And oddly enough my horoscope had this to say this morning: Short trips in your neighborhood may be rendered nearly impossible today by factors above and beyond your control, such as traffic, construction, or both, dear Capricorn. If you have errands to run, put them off. Or if you can, walk or ride a bicycle to run them. If you must go in the car, however, make sure you have your favorite music with you so you can do something while waiting in traffic. Otherwise you'll go crazy with boredom. Imagine that boredom with a screaming 5 month old in the back seat who hates the car seat and refuses to sleep unless the car is moving at a reasonable rate of speed.
So my Life in the Fast Lane has slowed down. Please pray I sell my house so I can move back to the city where I have a shorter drive time and can find something else to bitch about.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Happy Anniversary

WHATEVER!! Today is my 4th wedding anniversary, even though it has been over for quite sometime (June 2006), there is still a piece of paper somewhere that says I am still married. It is hard to believe that 4 years ago today I was exchanging vows with a man I thought I knew after 8 years of courtship. The only thing I knew was that the world was a pink hue in my rose colored glasses. Turns out that the only thing he was good for was a sperm donation 3 years later. As you can visually see this is the way I feel about the marriage today. When you say til death do us part should one take it literally? I mean not that I would ever intentionally cause harm to another human being but the feeling remains the same. I try to remain level headed and cordial to the father of my child, but for future reference he should never stand within swinging distance while I have a sharp object in my hand.
Was I kidding myself to walk down the aisle of holy matrimony? Someone should have slapped me with a silly stick. Not that I want go into great detail of the demise of the situation let's just say he continues to live outside the home we built and can go weeks at a time before seeing his daughter. Much to his suprize she changes everytime he sees her, well DUHHHHAAAA!!! Apparently he is a bit uncomfortable around me(could be the guilt in the pit of his stomach) which is why he doesn't visit as often as he should. Might I add that Morgan an I are doing just fine without him there as long as he keeps paying the mortgage and a little extra for diapers. I do not regret being a single mother, in fact more time for me nah, naha, neener!! I know that I will raise my little girl with morals and teach her not to make the same mistakes I have made. She has already made me stronger and made me realize that life goes on the same and only turns the way you tell it to.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Pick me up

Today is one of those days where I should be doing something more productive at work. But seeing that everyone (boss's namely) have left for the day, I am left to my own devices. Which would take me to one of two places 1) the front of the office where the quote file lies open and partially reorganized and archived from 2005 and 2006, or 2) sitting behind this computer monitor searching the latest celebrity gossip and writing to the internet world. So I am guessing your pretty smart and know that I (as any of you who could take advantage of work time) am sitting here searching internet blogs of people who write far better than me. I tend to in the event of reading start to dose off a little until the untimely ring of the loud ass phone wakes me up(oh yeh I am at work). Wishing I could be home on my couch right now wrapped up in a fleece blanket, because the weather is down right crappy and if the sun doesn't show up soon I might have to buy a sun lamp to recharge my pineal gland.
So in my search on the web you can all rest easily that Britney has once again left re-hab, but this time completed "the program" and would like her privacy, frankly I think we have seen enough of her and would welcome a change. Most of the blogs I went to visit today have been un-changed from 3 days ago when I left them last. In my search of something new to read I ventured into links on my circle of friends blogs and found alot of depressing news. One of which a woman who had went through years of infertility now has two beautiful twins has lost a baby who was on the way. My heart goes out to her for it does not seem so long ago infertility plagued me. However the pain of being pregnant and losing a baby I have never been faced with, Thank God, but disappointment is a feeling that is undeniable. I had my share of disappointment. Then in another blog one that is entertaining on most days was just plain dull with another trip to the doctors. Everyone is sick and depressed makes me want to go out and shave my head and get a tattoo! I should have finished what I started in the quote file.
Well this is the highlight of my day the time of day where I can start packing it up and head home. Off to the place where I lay my weary head and feast my eyes on a juicy little girl I call Morgan. Sorry my post lacks just as much fun as the rest of you today. May tomorrow bring happier times!!

Monday, March 19, 2007


Do you think she looks like ME?
Everyone keeps saying how much she looks like me, and now I know why. My Aunt came by yesterday afternoon and brought me the proof. The picture on the left is me at 3 months and the picture on the right of course is Morgan at 3 months.
Dear God please don't give her my buck teeth at 10 years old.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Teach an old dawg new tricks

My friend Lucky's Mom is so smart! She's good at explain' a simple little thing, not that she is bad at explain' big things, I just had a little thing this time. I had no idea how I even included a link on a previous post sometime ago, until today. Well bitch slap me ghetto style, that's funny (yeh I got that quote from another web-site I go to frequently Rockstar Mommy)!! Hope she doesn't sue me for plagiarsm cause that's how I roll(that is her line too). Pictures, one liners if it is blogged there is no tellin' who's gonna take it. Not that she will ever visit my blog, cause somedays it is just plain old boring, and she has an education in journalism, it would probably make her eyes burn trying to read the first sentence. Beside being a single mom I have no more than two pennies to rub together it wouldn't be worth her time.
Anyway on to why I am posting this ridiculious explanation in the first place. Now that I clearly understand how to include a link to my blog, look out cause I'll be using it like a bad habit. So I now can teach any of you bloggers how to if you feel the need. K(don't worry I won't put the link to your blog so no one harasses you).

Monday, March 12, 2007

Sunshine on my shoulders,

Makes me Happy! Gotta love John Denver and his optimistic view of the world. The sound and the lyrics makes me want to revert to a hippy and drive a VW across the country. But it does not in any way make me want to put on a pair a flip flops on the first warm sunny day of the year, especially in Michigan.
Let me just come out and tell you all that I am a people watcher. And yeha I tend to be judgemental when it comes to things that should and should not be done in public. Not that my opinion matters but, seeing that I don't get out much anymore, here are just a couple things I noticed this weekend. While attending a birthday party at a more than popular joint Dave & Busters. I noticed a group of girls I guess late teens early twenties (you know the girls that are suppose to set the trend for the old folk to catch up on.?) Well they were wearing flip flops......and a couple must not have read or follow the sandal code of ethics....Thou shall have clean polished toes, buffed callasous, and so on. Might I add a line to the code that Thou shall wait til at least late May before breaking out in sandals or any open toed shoe for that matter. I mean yeha it was what 50 something today but in the evening it still gets pretty damn cold. And if your gonna wear them make sure they are a new model not a pair you wore out from April - July last year while riding the tailgate of your friends uncles brothers pick-up truck and accidentally stepping in the mud! I also couldn't help but noticed all the small children out after 9pm. By small I mean 6 and under it may be saturday but it is bed time. It is not time to take cuts in front of a 30 something single mother playing skeball and drinking a beer. No lil missy you need to step back before I go tell your mommy who is smokin almost her whole pack of Basics trying to wear your ass out so she can sleep in tomorrow, that it is time to go now!
But back to John Denver and his sunshine song that makes me happy.....not that today is all that sunny, in fact it is not at all, but the sun will come out tomorrow(a whole other song just popped into my head and yours too, cause I am goofy like that) Did you hear it maybe close to 70! So mark my word you will see someone who can't wait to put the top down on that convertiable with the windows rolled up and wearing a jacket. But damn the sun is out!!! I have a convertiable in Michigan WOOO-WHOO! May your day be bright and may you absorb enough vitamin D to replenish your pineal gland to keep your horomones functioning properly.

Thursday, March 8, 2007


So far I like my new do, it is a shorter version of my old one but much lighter in volume,and much darker in color. Does that make sense? A pic would be nice to insert here.........................................->
The hair salon was ok, however I was sticker shocked at the price for just a color and cut, with no styling and a quick blow dry and a spritz of hair spray to hold down the fly aways, $70! I guess I am spoiled to have a friend in the hair business, I haven't paid that much in years.
Another pet peeve I forgot to mention is the continious braking from the idiot in front of me on the way into work this morning and numerous times before. People who like to drive in the fast lane only to ride the rear end of the person in front of them all the while applying their brake to annoy me who is trying to catch a space in the slow lane just to get away from you. (sigh slowly count to ten) Freeway driving is my life everyday I make the trip up and down I-94, nothing should irriatate me anymore but it does.
For the things I am more greatful for.... I finally seen Morgan roll over one time! Although my friend Kellie (sitter) says she has done it numerous times this week, I believe her now(for the record Kellie I believed you before). Morgan loves to blow bubbles with her lips lately, she looks like a little fish! She has been more alert lately too, seems to be interested in more toys, and trying to sit up on her own.
Over the last weekend we went to do a little shopping something I don't usually do with Morgan because before all she would do is cry. So before my trip to the grocery store would be milk, bread, gotta go! This time it was a little longer, milk, bread, paper products, a little browsing, new vaccum cleaner, all the while the precious baby sleeps. Then just as I approached the card aisle I hear the cute sound of baby bubbles, oh good she is having fun, oh wait she looks confused where are we??? Oh I guess we should get to the check-out try to make her smile, there is one smile and a goo everything goes well until it is time to pay....enter Damien....face turns red screams could be heard across the store if she was 2 she would be on the floor arms and legs flipping out! Two cashiers rush to see what is the matter, back away from the baby stranger danger brings on more screaming!! Ok mom is paying as fast as she can if the cashier would step away from the stroller. Why does the heat level tend to go up when the baby starts to scream?? On the way out to the car the evil spirit is lifted from my daugthers body. The ride home is a pleasent one Morgan decides to blow bubbles and laugh the whole way as if she is saying hah got my way again mom!! The girl already knows how to fool her momma!
A year ago today I found out I was pregnant! I just happened to read my private diary last night. The morning of March 8, 06 I took an E.P.T. and the long awaited + appeared in the window! Time flys it seems like only yesterday, my miracle was smaller than a grain of rice, today she is a blabbling, cooing, bubble blowing 11 lb baby girl, who is the apple of my eye!!

Tuesday, March 6, 2007


In my younger days when I partied until 2-3am(as opposed to going to bed by 8pm because I know I will be waken at 2-3am) I was told I looked like Lisa Kudrow. I wondered if people were just seeing things, and hoping they had seen a celebrity because after a few adult beverages people get a little weird. It got to the point when they would say uhm you look like.....I would give a look rolling my eyes and tilting my head...I know Lisa Kudrow, exactly. Yeha, OK,....Whatever. But now that I look at her maybe I do have a slight resemblance? And I really like her hair-cut.
Yes hair-cut, today I am leaving work early to get a salon styled hair-cut. I haven't had my hair-cut in almost 3 months and I am about to go Britney if I don't get something done about it like now. It really is no fault but my own to spend so much time thinking of my daughter and her needs that I had to snap out of it. Not that I am going to neglect my baby in anyway I just needed to do something for myself. Speaking of Britney I came across a picture of her little sister who also has a cute cut. But I look nothing like her she has a much nicer tan, and oh so much younger.(sigh) I am a little nervous about getting my haircut because it will be with someone who has never seen me before. My usual hair dresser is working a different shift and we can't seem to get our schedules to work so I decided to splurge a little. And I have a gift certificate for the place I am going to, a gift certificate I forgot I had until I went through papers on the kitchen counter. I think it was a sign that I found the certificate even God knows when a girl should get a haircut. So stay tuned my new due and I will check in tomorrow for an update.

Monday, March 5, 2007

Pet Peeves

Monday morning bitch.....
Minor annoyances get the best of me, little things that may mean nothing to you or the everyday person, make my skin crawl, or make me want to yell OUT LOUD.....STOP you blasting idiot(knock on the head "Mick Fly")!!
For example the proper way to open a bag of potato chips, along the top of the bag the seal runs from side to side. If you squeeze with both of your fore fingers and thumbs you can achieve an opening along the top of the bag just under the machine made seal,nnniiicccee(to be said in a long drawn out fashion). A bag with such a seal should NOT be opened with your teeth and riped down the side creating a mis-mangled jagged edge in the celafane wrapper, which is nearly impossible to close if all the contents in the bag are not eaten in one sitting. This also goes for soft baked cookies that are served in a plastic tray with the same type of factory celephane wrapper, if the bag is torn along the sealed edge you can easily slide out the tray and slide it back in to maintain the freshness that is needed to enjoy these cookies through out the day. The cookies I brought in this morning must now be eaten quickly because someone who was much more hungry than me decided to bust open the wrapper from the top and side! Thus exposing most of the cookies to the air, so I will only enjoy a couple of moist cookies before they completely dried out tomorrow!!(sigh)
Over the weekend while enjoying the company of family and passing the baby from yes everyone, I started to get annoyed. There is a certain way I like to hold Morgan while feeding and burping and not everyone does it my way, and I am starting to think she is picking up on that because she looks very uncomfortable when others are feeding her. I had to walk out of the room and hold my breathe so as not to run across the room and rip my daugther from the arms of someone who loves her very much and hurt anyones feelings. I prefer not to watch my child get tossed around from shoulder to shoulder when she doesn't burp when a simple sit up in the lap and a gentle tap on the back does the trick. Doesn't everyone have maternal instincts??
But the peeve that takes the cake......DO NOT put your fingers in my babies mouth!!! I know she likes to chew on her own fingers and every once in awhile gag herself (of course not intentionally). She is 4 months old and might be teething but that is NOT for you to decide to find out by sticking your finger in her mouth!!!! Especially when I did not see you wash your hands after petting the dog!! Yes I am jumping out of my skin on this one!! My skeleton might as well grab a hold of your neck and ring you one! ok calm down a slight stare with a look of disapproval should be more than enough to get the point across. I guess not... well picking up the baby and changing the subject so as not to make the situation uncomfortable is enough. Ok sorry just a little parinoid of the germs at this stage with a slight smile.
Maybe I should not devulge to much so you all don't think I might need sometime in a straight jacket. Really a few things bother me and it gets worse with age. I guess I should just let some of it go. I do not have a problem it is just everyone else...HAHAHA
I like to think I am not the only one with with certain things that just bother me, surely your head in nodding and want to tell me just what bugs you, please share...........

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Noah Called,

He is building the arc!!
Do you suppose only animals are invited?? I have never seen illustrations or suggestions that people had a spot on the voyage. But I would hope that I have a reservation if the water gets any deeper around here. It has rained all day in south east Michigan and it makes me nervous. We are already surrounded by water and continue to be poured on for what seems like days, a boat would seem like a logical mean of transportation right about now. I only like rainy days if I am at home with a good book or movie, warm blanket, and the best spot on the couch.
Hope you are all staying warm and dry. I wanted to post an itelligent story today but lack of time and energy has left me stumped so this is what you get. Bon Voyage!!!