So far I like my new do, it is a shorter version of my old one but much lighter in volu
me,and much darker in color. Does that make sense? A pic would be nice to insert here.........................................->
The hair salon was ok, however I was sticker shocked at the price for just a color and cut, with no styling and a quick blow dry and a spritz of hair spray to hold down the fly aways, $70! I guess I am spoiled to have a friend in the hair business, I haven't paid that much in years.
Another pet peeve I forgot to mention is the continious braking from the idiot in front of me on the way into work this morning and numerous times before. People who like to drive in the fast lane only to ride the rear end of the person in front of them all the while applying their brake to annoy me who is trying to catch a space in the slow lane just to get away from you. (sigh slowly count to ten) Freeway driving is my life everyday I make the trip up and down I-94, nothing should irriatate me anymore but it does.
For the things I am more greatful for.... I finally seen Morgan roll over one time! Although my friend Kellie (sitter) says she has done it numerous times this week, I believe her now(for the record Kellie I believed you before). Morgan loves to blow bubbles with her lips lately, she looks like a little fish! She has been more alert lately too, seems to be interested in more toys, and trying to sit up on her own.
Over the last weekend we went to do a little shopping something I don't usually do with Morgan because before all she would do is cry. So before my trip to the grocery store would be milk, bread, gotta go! This time it was a little longer, milk, bread, paper products, a little browsing, new vaccum cleaner, all the while the precious baby sleeps. Then just as I approached the card aisle I hear the cute sound of baby bubbles, oh good she is having fun, oh wait she looks confused where are we??? Oh I guess we should get to the check-out try to make her smile, there is one smile and a goo everything goes well until it is time to pay....enter Damien....face turns red screams could be heard across the store if she was 2 she would be on the floor arms and legs flipping out! Two cashiers rush to see what is the matter, back away from the baby stranger danger brings on more screaming!! Ok mom is paying as fast as she can if the cashier would step away from the stroller. Why does the heat level tend to go up when the baby starts to scream?? On the way out to the car the evil spirit is lifted from my daugthers body. The ride home is a pleasent one Morgan decides to blow bubbles and laugh the whole way as if she is saying hah got my way again mom!! The girl already knows how to fool her momma!
A year ago today I found out I was pregnant! I just happened to read my private diary last night. The morning of March 8, 06 I took an E.P.T. and the long awaited + appeared in the window! Time flys it seems like only yesterday, my miracle was smaller than a grain of rice, today she is a blabbling, cooing, bubble blowing 11 lb baby girl, who is the apple of my eye!!
The hair salon was ok, however I was sticker shocked at the price for just a color and cut, with no styling and a quick blow dry and a spritz of hair spray to hold down the fly aways, $70! I guess I am spoiled to have a friend in the hair business, I haven't paid that much in years.
Another pet peeve I forgot to mention is the continious braking from the idiot in front of me on the way into work this morning and numerous times before. People who like to drive in the fast lane only to ride the rear end of the person in front of them all the while applying their brake to annoy me who is trying to catch a space in the slow lane just to get away from you. (sigh slowly count to ten) Freeway driving is my life everyday I make the trip up and down I-94, nothing should irriatate me anymore but it does.
For the things I am more greatful for.... I finally seen Morgan roll over one time! Although my friend Kellie (sitter) says she has done it numerous times this week, I believe her now(for the record Kellie I believed you before). Morgan loves to blow bubbles with her lips lately, she looks like a little fish! She has been more alert lately too, seems to be interested in more toys, and trying to sit up on her own.
Over the last weekend we went to do a little shopping something I don't usually do with Morgan because before all she would do is cry. So before my trip to the grocery store would be milk, bread, gotta go! This time it was a little longer, milk, bread, paper products, a little browsing, new vaccum cleaner, all the while the precious baby sleeps. Then just as I approached the card aisle I hear the cute sound of baby bubbles, oh good she is having fun, oh wait she looks confused where are we??? Oh I guess we should get to the check-out try to make her smile, there is one smile and a goo everything goes well until it is time to pay....enter Damien....face turns red screams could be heard across the store if she was 2 she would be on the floor arms and legs flipping out! Two cashiers rush to see what is the matter, back away from the baby stranger danger brings on more screaming!! Ok mom is paying as fast as she can if the cashier would step away from the stroller. Why does the heat level tend to go up when the baby starts to scream?? On the way out to the car the evil spirit is lifted from my daugthers body. The ride home is a pleasent one Morgan decides to blow bubbles and laugh the whole way as if she is saying hah got my way again mom!! The girl already knows how to fool her momma!
A year ago today I found out I was pregnant! I just happened to read my private diary last night. The morning of March 8, 06 I took an E.P.T. and the long awaited + appeared in the window! Time flys it seems like only yesterday, my miracle was smaller than a grain of rice, today she is a blabbling, cooing, bubble blowing 11 lb baby girl, who is the apple of my eye!!
You are fired for not having a picture.
And don't'll get used to the public meltdowns....and you'll no longer run to your car. Share Share Share with your fellow shoppers. It's what they're there for.
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