So SD has not always been good at keeping things in working order or keeping them in general. By things I mean gadgets pagers, walkmen, portable CD players, cell phones......things everyone must have(or so he thinks) and if something goes wrong with that one gadget good God the SKY IS FALLING CHICKEN F'ING LITTLE!!! Get your popcorn the show is about to being ready??
The other day SD was over cutting the lawn as part of his responsibility, as to keep the house looking presentable for potential buyers. Setting the stage for those of you who don't know we have 3+ acres that is to be cut and a lawn mower (that for all intensive purposes was way beyond our means to purchase) does 360 turns on a dime and is pretty fast, no offense Lucky your "riding mower is still pimp", but our super fly Exmark can get'r done in under two hours. Side note; we have beer can holders on both sides for left or right handed fellas or if you prefer to be double fisted. On this particular day no beer was involved because if there was someone I am almost sure someone would have lost a limb. No on this day the cell phone was the casualty, apparently the phone had been riding in the cup holder and decided to plundge to its death in the middle of the yard, and take a spin on the under caridge. Mind you SD is one of very important people and if you don't have his number you should because apparently everyone calls him and it is the very reason he is alive and breathing and without it he was going down a slow and painful death. One that I hoped would take longer than him driving to the Sprint store a whole 30 minutes, to get a new phone. He did however keep me informed of his where abouts because he has wireless internet and e-mailed me to tell me he had the baby and was going to the Sprint store and would call when he replaced his phone. The e-mail was short and sweet "ran over my f'ing phone, I'm pissed,going to Sprint for a new one"! After paying almost as much as his mower he did get a new phone and the world stabalized until today;
I receive a phone call, number unrecoganizable to me, I pick up it could be the man I have been waiting for to lavish me with gifts.....
I pick up "Hello"
SD "I don't have a FUCKIN' phone!!!"
me thinking - oh it's you what now **sigh**
SD "I am using my friends phone he is here jacking up the deck so it doesn't sag for the next open house and people can't bitch and complain"
me "oh good , I mean well that sucks, where is your phone?"
SD "It fell out of my pocket into the hot tub when I was removing the water"
me "the cell phone you just bought?"
SD "Yes and I don't have another arm and leg to pay for another one!""and I need my phone how is anyone going to get a hold of me?"
me "yeh the that would be cause for alarm"
Days like these I am so glad it is no longer "my problem"!! Just bring me my baby so she is not subject to your ranting. In case of concern he did get another phone for free after drying out the phone he took it to the store and told them it just stopped working and they agreed and gave him a new phone. And everyone lived happily ever after..............until next time, who knows when that will be but I am sure it will be sooner than later.
The other day SD was over cutting the lawn as part of his responsibility, as to keep the house looking presentable for potential buyers. Setting the stage for those of you who don't know we have 3+ acres that is to be cut and a lawn mower (that for all intensive purposes was way beyond our means to purchase) does 360 turns on a dime and is pretty fast, no offense Lucky your "riding mower is still pimp", but our super fly Exmark can get'r done in under two hours. Side note; we have beer can holders on both sides for left or right handed fellas or if you prefer to be double fisted. On this particular day no beer was involved because if there was someone I am almost sure someone would have lost a limb. No on this day the cell phone was the casualty, apparently the phone had been riding in the cup holder and decided to plundge to its death in the middle of the yard, and take a spin on the under caridge. Mind you SD is one of very important people and if you don't have his number you should because apparently everyone calls him and it is the very reason he is alive and breathing and without it he was going down a slow and painful death. One that I hoped would take longer than him driving to the Sprint store a whole 30 minutes, to get a new phone. He did however keep me informed of his where abouts because he has wireless internet and e-mailed me to tell me he had the baby and was going to the Sprint store and would call when he replaced his phone. The e-mail was short and sweet "ran over my f'ing phone, I'm pissed,going to Sprint for a new one"! After paying almost as much as his mower he did get a new phone and the world stabalized until today;
I receive a phone call, number unrecoganizable to me, I pick up it could be the man I have been waiting for to lavish me with gifts.....
I pick up "Hello"
SD "I don't have a FUCKIN' phone!!!"
me thinking - oh it's you what now **sigh**
SD "I am using my friends phone he is here jacking up the deck so it doesn't sag for the next open house and people can't bitch and complain"
me "oh good , I mean well that sucks, where is your phone?"
SD "It fell out of my pocket into the hot tub when I was removing the water"
me "the cell phone you just bought?"
SD "Yes and I don't have another arm and leg to pay for another one!""and I need my phone how is anyone going to get a hold of me?"
me "yeh the that would be cause for alarm"
Days like these I am so glad it is no longer "my problem"!! Just bring me my baby so she is not subject to your ranting. In case of concern he did get another phone for free after drying out the phone he took it to the store and told them it just stopped working and they agreed and gave him a new phone. And everyone lived happily ever after..............until next time, who knows when that will be but I am sure it will be sooner than later.