- Walk in pay at counter, nice young quite boy takes money and goes to warmer to get pizza
- Hands me the pizza, notices on the receipt I have a salad too
- Goes to fridge no salad is made, so apologizes and goes to make salad
- Up walks another young boy (all of maybe 22) tall, cutie messy spikey black hair, oh nice eyes, he apologizes and says it is his fault he did not make the salad
- I reassure it is OK how hard is it to make a salad, but hey "Do I get a discount for the wait?"
- "No" cute boy with nice eyes says "but I can give you some extra dressing"
- Oh don't go through all that trouble just get my salad so I can go
- salad is made and as promised I see tall, cutie messy spikey black hair, oh nice eyes young boy put extra dressing in the bag, close bag turns to the corner and assures me to "Have a nice night"
- Me turning to leave with pizza, pop, and SALAD in hand look at bag and see this...................
Thanks for the number ;)
I am now a branded woman UH_HUH - official MILF!
Next time if I have that delivered do you suppose it will play out the same as my pizza delivery boy fantasy??
Thanks for the laughs. It was nice visiting with you and Morgan. Emily wants to know if we can invite you guys to her birthday party. Let's get together again soon. Hey, the 4th sounds good for a swim. Give me a call!
Call JOSH! CALL CALL CALL! At least for some young hot spikey hair sex! I'll watch Morgan. CALL.
Ok, so you should call Mr. Extra Dressing with thte 'oh nice eyes'!!!
ONe of Brandon's friends recently called me MILF; I'm still excited about it Unfotunately he's a lifeagurd at Rolling HIlls & I look WAY better in street clothes than my suit; so I can't even go to the water park THAT IS ONE MILE FROM MY HOUSE. Thiws boys is 17, so I wn't be calling him & one of my son's best friends.
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