Last weekend I had my youngest cousin over to watch High School Musical 2, and take her to the Armada Fair with me so Morgan could ride the carnival rides. My youngest cousin is 11 and most people mistake her for my child because of her blond hair, brown eyes and boney knees. She looks alot like me when I was young, I would never want to re-live my youth once was enough for me. For a second though I had to remember just how old I really am and how my aunts must have felt watching me grow-up. In a conversation with my youngest cousin as she bounced around my living room arms raised and counting in a whisper trying to smile and practice her cheer for her new season of cheerleading sounded a little like this.....
me - "are you practicing a cheer?"
her - "uh-huh" "Do you remember that song it goes dun,dun,dunt,dun,dun,dunt..."
me - "yeha dun,dun, dunt, dun,dun,dunt...everybody dance now!"
her - "I can't remember the name of it but it is like an old song from the 80's"
me - "um-yeha, I think it was more like 1990's"
her - "you know what it is cause it was in your time"
me - "thanks for the reminder"xoxo
She is a sweetheart and I can't wait til Morgan says yeha I'm watching that old movie High School Musical 2 from 2007, the songs are so silly!!