The imminent 1st Birthday Party is upon me. As my heart races faster I am suddenly overwhelmed with a "theme" and invitations and cake and an outfit and food and oh my God how many people will be at my house and now I am wondering how long is to long to leave a child unattended in a play saucer while I meticulously clean the house to prepare for such a HUGE event!!! I push it aside in my brain for a moment to read my horoscope;
If you've been contemplating undertaking a major creative project, dear Capricorn, this is the day to do it. Sudden inspiration and revelations could come from within your brain, almost like fireworks, which could have your intellect and imagination working overtime. This is also a great time to work on bringing any creative projects you have in mind into the public eye. Enlist the aid of friends and acquaintances; they're there to help you. Go for it!
AHHH Breathe count to ten, so y'all may not know this but I am using you as my aid. Come on I know you want to play. No? Well try and humor me just like I humor you every time you visit my blog o'K? First and fore most I have ordered my baby dolls dress yesterday, so if you like to take a peak you can here and imagine a blond fuzzy haired blue eyed beauty giggling underneath it. My "firework of imagination" has given me this for the invitations that I will be creating myself over the next few days, so how does this sound;
If you've been contemplating undertaking a major creative project, dear Capricorn, this is the day to do it. Sudden inspiration and revelations could come from within your brain, almost like fireworks, which could have your intellect and imagination working overtime. This is also a great time to work on bringing any creative projects you have in mind into the public eye. Enlist the aid of friends and acquaintances; they're there to help you. Go for it!
AHHH Breathe count to ten, so y'all may not know this but I am using you as my aid. Come on I know you want to play. No? Well try and humor me just like I humor you every time you visit my blog o'K? First and fore most I have ordered my baby dolls dress yesterday, so if you like to take a peak you can here and imagine a blond fuzzy haired blue eyed beauty giggling underneath it. My "firework of imagination" has given me this for the invitations that I will be creating myself over the next few days, so how does this sound;
Cake and icing in her hair, presents and balloons fill the air.
This celebration we want to share!
Come for the fun, Morgan is ONE!!
Please feel free to add or delete, or just give me a thumbs up. Super.This celebration we want to share!
Come for the fun, Morgan is ONE!!
Next up the "theme" at first I was going with the Hello Kitty because she has a few things Hello Kitty at home and can say kitty, even Sam's Club has a themed cake. Then after web-trolling I came across some cutier items that are just girlly and match her dress. So which "theme" is cutier(not even a word spell check is telling me so ;P) to you??
I think that is enough for now. After all, I am sure not ALL of you are Capricorns and feel the "inspiration and revelations coming from your brain" if you did then you would probably be reading a highly more intelligent blog than this one right now!!
I think that is enough for now. After all, I am sure not ALL of you are Capricorns and feel the "inspiration and revelations coming from your brain" if you did then you would probably be reading a highly more intelligent blog than this one right now!!