I have been preparing through out the week for "potential visitors" to walk through their "potential new home" (my current home). One night I mopped the kitchen floor and washed the windows of dog snot and baby finger prints. Wednesday morning I was vaccuming at 5:30am, but then again I am always vaccumming because the 90lb dog that has inhabited the house won't stop shedding!! The bathrooms won't be done until tomorrow because it is my least favorite thing to do. To bad K doesn't live closer she could totally love to rock out my bathrooms all three in her new latex gloves. **look at that a pic, she loves to clean and the gloves are HOT!**
I am trying to think of what to do with all the baby toys that have been making out like bunnies and multiplied in my house in the past 10 months. Should I organize them in their content corner of the living room with fear that it may look cluttered or go out and purchased a toy box? If you were walking through a house what would detour you from purchasing the home?
I like to think everything in my house is spic and span clean but I am sure there is something someone else sees that I may not have thought about. The yard is not what it used to be and I would love to post an apology sign with pictures of years past and potential that it could be. I just don't have the time to get out with a new baby and pull weeds and plant flowers. So as the time draws near to open the house to stangers I am getting nervous and anxious that just one thing may not be right and be the deciding factor in buying the place or not. Who knows last time we opened the house no-one came by and I busted my ass for nothing, but the first time we had 5 couples. Damn the economy and the housing market it really is a great place for a family, just not a great place for a single mom with no time to keep it up. Wish me luck and send in the buyers!!!
I like to think everything in my house is spic and span clean but I am sure there is something someone else sees that I may not have thought about. The yard is not what it used to be and I would love to post an apology sign with pictures of years past and potential that it could be. I just don't have the time to get out with a new baby and pull weeds and plant flowers. So as the time draws near to open the house to stangers I am getting nervous and anxious that just one thing may not be right and be the deciding factor in buying the place or not. Who knows last time we opened the house no-one came by and I busted my ass for nothing, but the first time we had 5 couples. Damn the economy and the housing market it really is a great place for a family, just not a great place for a single mom with no time to keep it up. Wish me luck and send in the buyers!!!
Good luck honey! I hate doing the bathrooms too. Just be happy that you don't have a 190 lb. dog to clean up after. The yard? It's like a horse pooped out there!
I just got a little jealous I can't be the one cleaning your bathrooms.
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