Sorry to leave you all hanging on a cliff for my dear life, and wow the response is overwhelming from all of you. I do appreaciate your concerns and take them all with the greatest respect. Last week was just very overwhelming for me and I didn't know how to put it in to prespective. Let me try and put it the best way I can. DO NOT think I am getting back with SD(sperm donor).
The past year and a half has been very tough for me. My DD keeps me focused and reminds me that SD was not here when we needed him the most. It will take alot more than him saying he wants to be a good father and giving me money before I will even slightly consider him back into my heart. But the obvious is that he is in my life and will be for at least the next 18 and more years.
I want to assure all of you that I am still focused on building myself and my life with DD first. Although the papers have not been signed to legally seperate myself from SD, my mind has been seperated. I have not forgiven SD enough to expect a new relationship with him. But I am thinking of DD when I consider letting him move back home. It would have to be based on the understanding of a friendship without benefits. He will have to re-build trust and reliability and I have told him this MANY times. Obviously he knows that all ties will be severed with the home-wrecker and I would not allow him back if there was any indications she was still around.
I guess I don't have much more to say at this point but wanted to fill all of you in. I have to keep my mind on other things right now because it is really out of my hands.