I am going to be the girl who dropped the curling iron on her face, what do you think?
No for real I am going to be in costume for most of the week. Today looks even worse than it does in this picture taken on Monday. People react so strange they don't want to say anything but they stare and look away when I make eye contact. I can only imagine what people are thinking. If they stare to long I just say "you should see the other girl, beaotch got what she deserved!"
WTF did you do? you could only drop a curling iron on your face if you were laying on the floor...I'm not saying you CAN'T do you hair that way...
OUCH!!! I thought I was the biggest clutz in the world, but the worst burn I've ever caused was on my ear. Not on my cheek!! Girlfriend, slow yourself down in the morning... it's not a race.
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