Thursday, November 29, 2007


In a recent trip to the dentist for a routine cleaning, my dentist gave me a friendly reminder of tooth #15(a 29 year old molar) has a severe fracture and is in need of attention, a crown.(shudder in horror)

Now let's back up a little bit here. I have never been a big fan of the dentist nothing personal just don't like the whole scraping of metal against enamel, the smell of laughing gas, and the humming sound of the drill followed by the sucking of 14 day old food that dislodged from a molar being forced through a suction the size of a straw. Anyone just shiver like I just did?? BLAH.
I had braces when I was young and I can remember every trip to the dentist being a BIG deal, so much that my mom would drug me with Tylenol or benedryl to calm me down. The walk from the car to the building would send my heart racing, just knowing my mouth was at the mercy of the people waiting inside with their pointy instruments wanting to take out their aggression on my teeth. My mom would say just think when your done you get to pick out anything you want from the treasure chest in the waiting room. I would just roll my eyes and want to yell take your treasure chest and all the cheap trinkets made in China laced with lead and shove it up your **S! After a year and a half of torture and agonizing pain of new wires to tighten and straighten the teeth, fillings on all of my molars, the sanding of enamel to shorten my front teeth, it was worth the smile it brought me in the end. I could live without the constant reminder from my Dad you better brush I spent allot of money fixing those teeth, cause it really is about the money not the fact your daughter looked like a beaver. (R.I.P. Bucky beaver) I was grateful and took much pride in brushing and flossing my new smile.

So when it comes to the up keep, the semi-annual cleaning check-up pales in comparison of what I had to go through in years past. But when the dentist so mentions the word like "crown" or filling, or God-forbid root canal it makes my skin crawl. I have been so good in flossing and rinsing with the burn the tarter out of the base of your brain Listerine! A crown? are you serious? I was looking forward to getting the teeth whiting special but he is suggesting I get the crown then the teeth whitened so that the trays fit properly after the cap is put in place. Huh? cap? why is he talking in dental terms English speaking people don't understand, but I do understand it requires needles and the drill and the sucking of whatever falls off from the grinding down of the current tooth that has cracks in four places from a trauma? (see trampoline incident) I have suffered in the past. It may not be as bad as the 3 wisdom teeth I had to have pulled, but in that instance I was put under and served vicadine for a week. This time I will be awake with full awareness of my surroundings, perhaps they serve adult beverages before one goes under something like this.....................

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

I need a Man....

......particularly one that knows about cars and how to properly pressure test a vehicle without busting hoses and gaskets. One who can properly access the situation I am having with my vehicle without me being offended by telling me that he can not tell me what is wrong because of such test I can not afford right now! Also if I could have a second man to properly adjust the water pressure in my house so I don't get a blast of air(which scares the shit out of me every.time.) when I turn on the bathroom sink. Perhaps KWal you can send over your plumber when you are finished with him.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Driving Responsibly

I am a patient person really I am but when pressed to the limit I go all out ape shit!! My drive into work was going well until suddenly brake lights appeared 2 miles from my exit off the freeway. Much to my dismay an accident was reported on the radio just as I passed the exit I could have gotten off at so I could continue my 40 minute drive to the daycare and then work. So as we inched for a tenth of a mile in 15 minutes I notice my thermostat is approaching dangerous levels. Now I have been having this trouble before this morning and keep putting off doing anything about it, but this is not what I will tell law enforcement when I plan my next move. Your not going to believe what the nudge in my stomach made me do......I pulled onto the right shoulder put my hazard lights on and punched it going 5 miles an hour for 2 miles on the freeway to get to my exit!!! You heard me I broke the law driving on the shoulder of a packed three lane freeway in a car that was about to over-heat and create more havoc in mine and other peoples commute if I didn't get off the freeway NOW! I wanted to apologize to each and everyone of the cars I passed and tell them my sincere excuse. So sorry I have precious cargo that was going to blow at any minute if I didn't get off this pavement.
We made it safely to the daycare with no heat in the car so as not to over-heat my engine, and I made it to work LATE but I am here. Would anyone like to pick me up and drive me home I just don't think I can drive anymore! or should I say I don't want to take responsibility.

Monday, November 26, 2007


This year for Thanksgiving I wanted to be rewarded with more than just a full stomach of triptaphane and pumpkin pie. I wanted to fill my heart for others who are less fortunate, so I participated for the first time in delivering food baskets to the needy in our metro area.
Along with fellow parishioners in my church we met at my friends house to assemble 35 baskets in a more than timely matter(it took less than an hour). From there we broke into small groups (car loads) to deliver 3-4 baskets each per car. We were given names and phone numbers of the family receiving the meal and called them when we were on the way to deliver. The car I traveled in was filled with 2 of my close friends and four children. Upon arriving at each home a select few would go to the door ask to enter the home and place the basket on the table and then one of us would lead in prayer, and wish the family well. Only one home we entered looked as if a dinner was being prepared. The parade was on the television, but there was no smell of turkey, pumpkin pie, or arguments over who was going to peel potatoes.
So in that five minutes upon entering each home I hope we brought a warmth of holiday spirit a little something to fill the bellies of the young children and their parents if only for one day. All the families we went to visit appreciated and welcomed us. Our children brought in coloring pages for the needy children and made paper turkeys for each basket. It was so up-lifting to be able to see a child smile and thank us for coming by.
When I drove home after the experience of my first morning delivering baskets I couldn't wait to go home and hold my daughter and thank God for giving me the opportunity to feed her 3 meals a day and be able to drive to the store for simple needs, and have enough to be "grateful" for. I can't wait to share with her one day the overwhelming joy to help others. This year Thanksgiving to me was so much more than preparing a meal, it was giving a meal that made it worth while.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Black Friday

I took a little break from browsing other people's blogs to head over here, wouldn't you know I do remember I have this place.
I am a little excited to say I may try out this "black friday" shopping extravaganza that is plaguing the news and flooding the papers with adds on "door buster savings" and "early bird specials"!! Call me crazy but if the sweet child of mine gets me up at 4 am one more time I am challenging her to an coffee overloaded filled shopping experience with people who stand in long lines to get their FREE DVD player with a purchase of a Dora or SpongeBob Square Pants TV, $25.00 toaster ovens, $3.99 kids games, and $3.00 slippers with fa-la-la-la holiday music playing in the back round!! I'll show her. Only I fear the risk of being attacked by her whining, over stimulated temper that would strike just when we got up to the check-out line!"Ba-Ba-MAMA-WHHHAAAA" give me my cheerios biyatch, how dare you challenge me!!!!!
Happy Shopping!!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Just in case you wonder

I shaved my legs this morning for the first time in well let's just say awhile. By doing this annoying as if woman don't have enough to do in the grooming department task, I told myself I would not wait this long again or I would have to get out the gardening shears to trim them up a bit before spending all this time at this early in the morning for who? what? where? Oh never mind just make a mental note need to shave more often do not wait so long!
Hope your day is going well and if you want to stop by and check out my legs......stand in line and bring money legs this smooth can only be seen in Glamour Magazine after they spray paint them a couple times!!

Monday, November 12, 2007


I have a friend who has been in my life longer than my second from youngest sister has been, her name is Colleen. Colleen has been there through thick and thin, hell and high water, richer and poorer, in sickness and health. Before this starts sounding like a love story or a bad soap opera let's just say she is my friend till the end. My best friend a person who knows from the sound of my voice, and I know in hers if the day is good or bad. The one who has has been there the day after I got my braces off and on the same day I nearly knocked all my teeth out on her trampoline. A friend who would walk 8 blocks on the coldest of days just to come hang out at my house because I was grounded and could not walk to hers. The friend who stuck up for me when the biggest girl in high school wanted to kick my ass because she was dating my ex-boyfriend, but he still wanted to date me. A friend who would drive me to school because I had no car. The friend who I would accompany to the police station because she hit a parked car on the way to school one morning but we kept going because we were late for exams, and found a note from the police station on the windshield when we got out.
Colleen and I have so many fond memories together, so it was only fitting that she became pregnant at the same time I was, only she was due four months after me. So after Morgan was born and she came to visit me at the hospital I gave her a quick run down of what to expect on delivery but I would give more detail later given we were in a room full of family. When I settled at home and the visitors stopped dropping in I got a phone call from Colleen hoping she would come by and visit, only she could not she was in the hospital and had her baby! Ten weeks early I was confused and thought she was joking but the sound in her voice told me she was not, her baby boy arrived very early. 365 days ago today Alexander decided to make his entrance into the world and surprise us all with his strength and happiness. Happy 1st Birthday Alexander!
In the past year it has been nice to have two miracle babies, (me in my struggle to have a baby after 4 years of infertility and Colleen a preemie born only 3 pounds). Although I had a baby girl in some ways I feel like I had a baby boy too. They are both happy and healthy today and amaze us with their knowledge of the world around them, and their milestones are celebrated with each passing month. From sleepless nights and never ending diapers to sitting up and eating solid food to crawling and walking we are blessed to share these joys together as friends. Although ours lives are busy we make time to spend together. Here are the babies at the local mall having fun in the play area (that I am sure is swarming with germs). I know that our continued friendship will bring our children closer as they share birthdays 17 days apart. We can also share stories of love for our children and the not so loving moments I am sure will come. It is more than nice to have a friend I have known for so long, but even more than that a mom who I know so much about that I can blackmail into taking her child and hold for ransom if she becomes rich and famous.
I am overwhelmed by adversity in my life but if there is one thing that keeps me focused and grounded it would be my friend Colleen. No matter what she reminds me that things could be worse but for her there is always better.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007


Thirty something looking for WM D or S, perferably taller than 5' 6" because I like to wear heals, can be dark, blonde, greying or bald, no back or ear hair, great eyes, and teeth. MUST enjoy spending time with children, movies, dinner, quiet nights at home, is not afraid of family functions or going to weddings. References upon request and be prepared to be throughly inspected by family and many girlfriends for approval. If interested you can contact me a (LOV)EST-INKS!!

It is official I am divorced as of 8:55am today, the judgement was quick and simple. Motion has been approved by the judge and we can go about our lives in an orderly fashion. Thanks for your thoughts and prayers. Now if I can just get a place of my own and find a new normal I will be well on my way to recovering from this whole ordeal.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007


Good thing this place doesn't have bells and whistles, or whines when it hasn't been fed or has a strange smells coming from the rear in need of attention, because frankly I am just plain out exhausted these days. There really is no excuse for not keeping this place updated other than the fact I spend to much time on Fafarazzi trying to take over the league with useless people who never seems to drag in my points! Then there is the thing called work where it is the only time I can tidy up in here, because right now I don't have internet at home. Or it could be plain out laziness! What-ever it is please note I still love all of you from the bottom of my heart and think of you often.