I have a friend who has been in my life longer than my second from youngest sister has been, her name is Colleen. Colleen has been there through thick and thin, hell and high water, richer and poorer, in sickness and health. Before this starts sounding like a love story or a bad soap opera let's just say she is my friend till the end. My best friend a person who knows from the sound of my voice, and I know in hers if the day is good or bad. The one who has has been there the day after I got my braces off and on the same day I nearly knocked all my teeth out on her trampoline. A friend who would walk 8 blocks on the coldest of days just to come hang out at my house because I was grounded and could not walk to hers. The friend who stuck up for me when the biggest girl in high school wanted to kick my ass because she was dating my ex-boyfriend, but he still wanted to date me. A friend who would drive me to school because I had no car. The friend who I would accompany to the police station because she hit a parked car on the way to school one morning but we kept going because we were late for exams, and found a note from the police station on the windshield when we got out.
Colleen and I have so many fond memories together, so it was only fitting that she became pregnant at the same time I was, only she was due four months after me. So after Morgan was born and she came to visit me at the hospital I gave her a quick run down of what to expect on delivery but I would give more detail later given we were in a room full of family. When I settled at home and the visitors stopped dropping in I got a phone call from Colleen hoping she would come by and visit, only she could not she was in the hospital and had her baby! Ten weeks early I was confused and thought she was joking but the sound in her voice told me she was not, her baby boy arrived very early. 365 days ago today Alexander decided to make his entrance into the world and surprise us all with his strength and happiness. Happy 1st Birthday Alexander!
In the past year it has been nice to have two miracle babies, (me in my struggle to have a baby after 4 years of infertility and Colleen a preemie born only 3 pounds). Although I had a baby girl in some ways I feel like I had a baby boy too. They are both happy and healthy today and amaze us with their knowledge of the world around them, and their milestones are celebrated with each passing month. From sleepless nights and never ending diapers to sitting up and eating solid food to crawling and walking we are blessed to share these joys together as friends. Although ours lives are busy we make time to spend together. Here are the babies at the local mall having fun in the play area (that I am sure is swarming with germs).
I know that our continued friendship will bring our children closer as they share birthdays 17 days apart. We can also share stories of love for our children and the not so loving moments I am sure will come. It is more than nice to have a friend I have known for so long, but even more than that a mom who I know so much about that I can blackmail into taking her child and hold for ransom if she becomes rich and famous.
I am overwhelmed by adversity in my life but if there is one thing that keeps me focused and grounded it would be my friend Colleen. No matter what she reminds me that things could be worse but for her there is always better.
Colleen and I have so many fond memories together, so it was only fitting that she became pregnant at the same time I was, only she was due four months after me. So after Morgan was born and she came to visit me at the hospital I gave her a quick run down of what to expect on delivery but I would give more detail later given we were in a room full of family. When I settled at home and the visitors stopped dropping in I got a phone call from Colleen hoping she would come by and visit, only she could not she was in the hospital and had her baby! Ten weeks early I was confused and thought she was joking but the sound in her voice told me she was not, her baby boy arrived very early. 365 days ago today Alexander decided to make his entrance into the world and surprise us all with his strength and happiness. Happy 1st Birthday Alexander!
In the past year it has been nice to have two miracle babies, (me in my struggle to have a baby after 4 years of infertility and Colleen a preemie born only 3 pounds). Although I had a baby girl in some ways I feel like I had a baby boy too. They are both happy and healthy today and amaze us with their knowledge of the world around them, and their milestones are celebrated with each passing month. From sleepless nights and never ending diapers to sitting up and eating solid food to crawling and walking we are blessed to share these joys together as friends. Although ours lives are busy we make time to spend together. Here are the babies at the local mall having fun in the play area (that I am sure is swarming with germs).
I am overwhelmed by adversity in my life but if there is one thing that keeps me focused and grounded it would be my friend Colleen. No matter what she reminds me that things could be worse but for her there is always better.
EOB Monday----Michelle makes Jenny cry--THX!!! :o)
I have that, but its Brandon, which is wrong, because i"m, the parent & we're not supposed to be friends--not ALL of that, but he knows me like that, by the color of my eyes that day (grey to blue with how my life is), sound of my voice & I can do the same with him--I doubt our connection lately as he's changing so much, into a man & not so much my boy anymore......but I get glimpses of it. & I hold on tight when its there! With a look we can read eachothers thoughts. I love that with him.
I never had a girlfriend or guy friend like that--well I did have a guy friend but we're not friends anymore (Matt W).......I miss it & he knew everything, no secrets, no strings, perfect
That is so sweet!!! The picture is perfect! If it wasn't for Colleen, we may have never met! How scary is that?
Colleen is the first friend I ever met. I was 3 years old..or maybe she was 3 and I was 2 and we grew up across the street from each other. Although we did different things in life and at times had groups of different friends, I am very proud and happy to say that we are still in touch after all of these years and I love her just as much as the day she came over and asked if she could play with me. My brother said yes and I said no(But I changed my stubborn 2 year old mind and the rest is history). I got to know you much better through Colleen and I am glad I did because you are just as great as a friend. And all 3 of us ended up with beautiful children!!
HEY-thanks for making me ball my eyes out:~) You are such an awesome person, Michelle!! I am so blessed to have you in my life and so is everyone else who knows you! You have inspired me since the day I met you having the weight of the world on your shoulders and the twists and turns life has thrown you, yet always pointing out the positive things in your life. You give so much to others....well I could go on forever, but I don't want to take up 100 pages. Anyway, back at ya girl for everything. Love ya!!!!
Also, thanks to Kelly and Kellie for your self esteem boosts. I love my friends!!!!!!!-colleen
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