If you don't like to talk about Girly bits and underwear this may not be the post for you. Let me re-state that if the thought of being locked into a lingerie store for more than an hour with six or seven other woman all cackling about bras and underwear run, run now.
Oh your gonna stay well there will be no details if I prefer bikinis or thongs. However I will tell you I like pretty bras but in my old age and post pregnancy comfort is out weighing pretty. I have a whole drawer full of bras that at one time had fit me, bras that are pretty but do not full-fill their obligatory duties like I once thought they did.
Last night I had an epiphany that will change the way I view undergarments forever! My friend KT had an Essential Bodywear Party. Knowing my weakness for a good bra and the never-ending quest to find one, I had to go. I challenged myself on the way to the party that I was not going to buy anything I was just going for support, for KT.
Well the tables turned and suddenly I was being measured by a woman I only met a half hour before, snacking on fabulous beer batter bread, applying sticky stars to my shirt, and then thrown into a room of numerous selections of bras. Before I could suggest the one I liked the bra lady hands me five different contraptions and I was like what about the ones with the pretty straps, and she looked at me and smiled honey pretty doesn't come in your size trust me. I instantly thought OH Great how many clasps am I going to have to hook to get the support I need?? She takes me to the dressing room and says try these on and well go from there. Right there I almost walked out and said "you can't make me"! but my knees felt weak and I put the first one on "HA" doesn't fit to much spillage over the top. But the black one what the heck it doesn't have the pretty straps but it may be slimming to my figure black hides everything right?! Just then the room got brighter and angels were singing...."Glory to the highest!!!" well not really but it FIT like a Glove! For 17 years I have been looking and here it was the over the shoulder boulder holder I had to take home. As I looked down at the tag size "Good Golly Miss Molly" "God Gave you the Goods" and he has answered your prayer to put them to Good use and buy this bra!!!
As I walked out of the room(with a shirt over my bra) you would have thought I handed my friends a $100 and a margarita, they screamed and told me "YOU must buy that immediately"! At this point I am thinking is Ginormous bigger than Gigantic or should I just say they are Gorgeous! Then handed the bra lady a post dated check and a promise to host my own party so I could get another bra as a back up plan.
Then I thought I hope the bra gets to me before my blind date next Wednesday, if it doesn't I will have to post-pone!
Oh your gonna stay well there will be no details if I prefer bikinis or thongs. However I will tell you I like pretty bras but in my old age and post pregnancy comfort is out weighing pretty. I have a whole drawer full of bras that at one time had fit me, bras that are pretty but do not full-fill their obligatory duties like I once thought they did.
Last night I had an epiphany that will change the way I view undergarments forever! My friend KT had an Essential Bodywear Party. Knowing my weakness for a good bra and the never-ending quest to find one, I had to go. I challenged myself on the way to the party that I was not going to buy anything I was just going for support, for KT.
Well the tables turned and suddenly I was being measured by a woman I only met a half hour before, snacking on fabulous beer batter bread, applying sticky stars to my shirt, and then thrown into a room of numerous selections of bras. Before I could suggest the one I liked the bra lady hands me five different contraptions and I was like what about the ones with the pretty straps, and she looked at me and smiled honey pretty doesn't come in your size trust me. I instantly thought OH Great how many clasps am I going to have to hook to get the support I need?? She takes me to the dressing room and says try these on and well go from there. Right there I almost walked out and said "you can't make me"! but my knees felt weak and I put the first one on "HA" doesn't fit to much spillage over the top. But the black one what the heck it doesn't have the pretty straps but it may be slimming to my figure black hides everything right?! Just then the room got brighter and angels were singing...."Glory to the highest!!!" well not really but it FIT like a Glove! For 17 years I have been looking and here it was the over the shoulder boulder holder I had to take home. As I looked down at the tag size "Good Golly Miss Molly" "God Gave you the Goods" and he has answered your prayer to put them to Good use and buy this bra!!!
As I walked out of the room(with a shirt over my bra) you would have thought I handed my friends a $100 and a margarita, they screamed and told me "YOU must buy that immediately"! At this point I am thinking is Ginormous bigger than Gigantic or should I just say they are Gorgeous! Then handed the bra lady a post dated check and a promise to host my own party so I could get another bra as a back up plan.
Then I thought I hope the bra gets to me before my blind date next Wednesday, if it doesn't I will have to post-pone!