Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Corn Peddler

I want to first give a shout out to DJ, a wonderful young woman who saved my butt Monday and came over to watch Morgan because daycare was closed. I know it had to be a long day for you watching a needy toddler with her bossy demeanor. I hope you had a good time, Morgan was looking for you and she told me you walked out the door, and tipped her head sides ways "Dee-Jay went away". I hope the next time I call you don't have to wash your hair or read a good long book, because I appreciate your time very much!
DJ is the daughter of a great girlfriend of mine tmp, we go back gosh I haven't counted but if I have to guess 4 years now. I am not good at measuring time and how long we have been friends, just ask my BBF&A if you ask me we have been friends 20 years but she would correct me and say no it's 23 years 3 months and 4 days. The point is when I make friends I measure the value of the friend more so than the time it took to be friends, or GOD I can't believe I still hang out with your ass that is a long time. I have many friends and cherish each one for different things they bring to my life.
TMP is part of my girls club, we often drive together to visit the other girls homes, not so much because we live around the corner from one another but during that time we chit chat about what is going on in each others life. She has a way to really make a person feel appreciated and reminds me that I have qualities that I never knew I had. Honestly I don't know how she does it with five kids at home, a husband, and a house that stays so clean, gardening, little league, theather practice, bible study, kids over to spend the night, vacations to distant states, all while driving for 20 plus hours, and did I mention she home schools her kids too?! There are so many qualities that she brings all with a bundle of laughter and the joy of God in her heart, you can't help but want to be friends with her. Part of me just wants to hang out with her just to see how she does it all, because by 9:02am I would be like aaahhhh do we all take naps now??
I guess what I am trying to say is if you ever get a chance to be tmp's friend(when really she has got alot going on but she is all like bring it) she enjoys people, remembers things that I don't even remember telling her about me, has great knowledge of life and the turns it may lead, is honest in her beliefs, shows great interest the world around her, makes a mean taco lasanga, and loves the heck out of her kids! I will be a little jealous to have to share her but I don't think that will make our friendship falter.
Last but not least over the years her kids have taken great pride in growing corn. The time is NOW to get your fresh corn on the cob and other fresh hand-picked veggies. If your in the area be on the look out for the latest corn-mobile 2. Take it from me I have consumed more than my share of corn this year and will still go back for more next week, this corn is DELICIOUS & sweet! kinda like tmp.


Just a Chick in Michigan said...

I can't agree more. TMP has a wonderful gift of making everyone feel very special. She takes the time to say "you're doing great" or just to listen. I am thankful I have the opportunity to visit with her every month. :)

K said...

I, too, love pickle head!

Anonymous said...

Wow Sista, you make me blush. Such high praise when really all I do take a little time to try and understand people, and to see how I can help. I appreciate your warm words of praise. Better be careful or my head will swell and I will pop. I think I better call my gang in to read about me on the web. Love you lots!!!! I have to get a blog so I will be able to gush over wonderful you: Hardworking, giving, teachable, honest, lovable, funny, sincere, drop dead georgous!!!! Or really are you just trying to get more corn? pickel head

Anonymous said...

TMP - that's my sista! Try living in the shadows of that! Ha, just kidding, she is my inspiration!