Despite the doom and gloom of yesterday, my brother remains positive that something will come of this rut he was thrown into just before the holidays. I guess he will take it day by day like the rest of us living from paycheck to paycheck.
In other thoughts there is alot to be thankful for this year, like health, our children, a roof over our heads, heat(even if it is 68') and cheap beer, they still sell Milwaukees Best right?. Not to mention the fact my brother knows how to shoot deer if they get desperate. They are still planning their trip for Kansas to see my SIL family and they are know going to get paid for it with the unemployment check, where as before he was just taking a week off work. Instead of basting in the fallout they are going to take a long drive to blow off some steam and surrond themselves with family.
I am putting my foot down this year and staying home. No more running around for me this month heck I am not even going to cook. My aunt is coming over to spend the day with Morgan and I, we plan to stay in our pajamas and put up the Christmas tree. My sister will pick up the $29.95 fully cooked turkey meal from Meijer on the way home from work. We will eat drink and be merry!! and not have to drive half a day or hang over a hot stove to get there.
Hope your Turkey Day is yummy, relaxing, and full of left-overs!!
In other thoughts there is alot to be thankful for this year, like health, our children, a roof over our heads, heat(even if it is 68') and cheap beer, they still sell Milwaukees Best right?. Not to mention the fact my brother knows how to shoot deer if they get desperate. They are still planning their trip for Kansas to see my SIL family and they are know going to get paid for it with the unemployment check, where as before he was just taking a week off work. Instead of basting in the fallout they are going to take a long drive to blow off some steam and surrond themselves with family.
I am putting my foot down this year and staying home. No more running around for me this month heck I am not even going to cook. My aunt is coming over to spend the day with Morgan and I, we plan to stay in our pajamas and put up the Christmas tree. My sister will pick up the $29.95 fully cooked turkey meal from Meijer on the way home from work. We will eat drink and be merry!! and not have to drive half a day or hang over a hot stove to get there.
Hope your Turkey Day is yummy, relaxing, and full of left-overs!!