Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Gift Giving

Hey there remember me, sorry to treat all 2 of my blog followers like I do my checkbook. I ignore it but I know just where it is, I have a boat load of receipts(ideas of writing) to apply to the balance it says I have and actually don't, I noticed the only thing I really have used the checkbook for lately is that handy little calendar on the back, which by the end of this month I am totally screwed because hey 2008 will end and that is the last of 3 years that tiny piece of paper can hold!!
I am ignoring the fact that it will be Christmas in 23 days not that I don't want to celebrate the birth of Jesus, because I can rock an awesome birthday.....Yo Jesus I still have the Sponge Bob bounce house in my basement, and Morgan has perfected the happy birthday song, so we got you covered. It is the other part of Christmas, the retail part, the part where you feel obligated to purchase gifts for loved ones. Don't get me wrong I love giving and wish I could give to all, but I am strapped this year. Are there any ideas out there for simple, cheap gift giving ideas to please the masses?? In my family we are only buying for the kids because really the gifts are about the kids I think, but when I only have one and have to purchase for seven I get hives and that tight pinch in my stomach. I love the holiday and being able to see everyone and eat festive food but I just can't seem to get my head in the game this year.
Tonight I plan to get my girl dressed up, perhaps I will too and we can get some pictures in front of the Christmas tree that we put up on Thanksgiving. Hopefully we can get a good shot for our Christmas cards and maybe one to give to as a gift, grandparents like that stuff.


Anonymous said...

are you crafty?
i am not, but there are a lot of websites for homemade type gifts. i think they're beautiful, but my hands don't work that way...

Kellie Bray said...

Bake. Just give cookies. People will understand. Target has a section of toys for $5 and $10.
Go to the Dollar Tree and get each kid a small stocking and fill tem up as the sales happen. Sometimes rite aid and drug stores have candy for 2 for $1 and $.88...so don't always think the dollar store is the cheapest. Put a coloring book and etc in there as well from the dollar store. You can easily spend $10 on each kid and give them a stocking full of stuff!
Just some ideas!

Anonymous said...

Pictures are a wonderful gift for granparents! And, some of the retail websites, Costco, Walgreens, etc have the ability to let you create wonderful collages etc with your photos.

Oh, and airplane bottles of booze for any teenagers you have to buy for. LOL.