Morgan has taken a liking to blowing her nose, which is great cause hey get those germs out of there so we don't have to go to the doctors office. But the nose blowing has turned into this sort of fascination of what happens to bodily fluids that have mutated in your body. This morning as we snuggled in bed not wanting to get out of our pajamas and ready to jump into our morning routine. Morgan looks over to me and says "mom get me napkin my nose", noticing she sounded congested sounded like a good idea. I get out of bed and grab her a tissue, which I know your saying why do you let her boss you around like that, and my answer to you would be because I don't need a 40 foot trail of toilet paper from the bathroom to my bed, I am on a tight budget. As I handed her the tissue she started to blow away, I proceed to change into my work ensemble. Blowing as hard as she could she was successful in recovering what she calls, a "big juicy worm". "See that Mommy?" "See that big juicy worm?" yes I may have caused this reference of a booger as a juicy one but she added worm. She then begins to examine it in the tissue and the look on her face was of pure disgust and I couldn't help but turn away and laugh. Because if she thinks worms are up there and she wants to blow them out, this means less digging for me.
This is what my blog has turned into a head full of congested thoughts, or dinner for a sucker fish!
This is what my blog has turned into a head full of congested thoughts, or dinner for a sucker fish!
I love that. She is hilarious, and you do such a great job retelling those wonderful. toddler stories! Keep it up.
i had a similar convo w/eddie this morning, but his was cough related. i told him to cough the uckies out, & he was all..."like the green guy on tv?" (mucinex commercials)
yes, we watch A.LOT. of tv...
At least she isnt trying to eat them yet! Just wait its discusting! LoL xoxo A
I hate to admit...but I know boogers all too well
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