I had every intention of spending my spare time today giving you my thoughts on resolutions, how I never really like them or have I really never made a resolution. I had pondered a thought here or there perhaps eating healthier, exercising more, making more time for myself. Then it occurs to me I am just setting myself up for failure!! Stupid resolutions......I don't want to have to wait in line for a spot on the treadmill this time of year at the gym, nor do I know what me time is anymore between being a mom and work, I am lucky to shave my legs.(and there I just scared off any chance of getting a date THIS year!)
I was at the grocery store the other day, no not yesterday, the day before that, pathetic I know every time we pass a Meijer my daughter yells from the back, I WANT TO GO TO MEIJER!! some days I tell we can't Mommy's broke and she tilts her head and says it's ok tomorrow be better. Sweet isn't she?? Anyway apparently if your not waiting in line at the gym for the treadmill, you can still get fit at the grocery store because they have strategically placed the "healthy" stuff at the front door and are practically shoving nuts and whole grains down your pie hole and have roped off the "snack" food isle something about restocking or cautionary measures for the over sized pallets the put in front of the ho-ho's and twinkies. They even placed coupons next to the high fiber good for you food. Because I did not make a resolution but should really eat healthier, increase my fiber intake and because it is Dark Chocolate with almonds and it has a coupon what harm could a 1.2 oz chewy bar do to help my digestive track anyhow??
Let this be your warning it can do ALOT! Yesterday I did not think much of it but today, today my friends it feels like the regret you get when you ate a handfull of sliders at 2am after an all night beer buzz except I don't remember having that much fun yesterday!!
Don't let the deliciously drizzled bite of scrumptious blend of chocolate fool you, do however pay attention to the small warning on the side of the box in yellow that reads......NEW USERS Increase your fiber intake gradually. (so having one bar two mornings in a row is probably not a good idea), Gastrointestinal discomfort may occur until your body adjusts.
Or you'll look a little like this all evening except without the cute pig tails I am sure.
"deliscious" post. ha ha
don't ever try Slim Fast either. same result...
thanks for the advice!
Please do not bring any to share at the party! lol xoxo A
You crack me up SO BAD! You must be getting old if a fiber bar is making you ill! Love it!
either you are working really hard these days....or facebook is too cool to come back to blogging. Have a wonderful day!!!
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