How can a word be so pleasant and ear numbing at the same time??? When I typed this title I thought of wine as in the liquid sense but to whine as in the pain in the ass sound a toddler makes has a totally different meaning one bitter and sweet, the other bitter and relaxing, but same side effects both leave you looking for the Tylenol because ai-ya-ya-i my head is killing me. Not so different??? Am I just rambling or is this making sense?
The other day marked my first day of literally locking myself into the bathroom to apply my make-up so as not to have a toddler pulling on my pant leg begging to hold her for no apparent reason just cause I want you. Yeah well I want you too but I want you to go play with the millions of toys that are collecting dust in the 300 sq foot toy room built just for you. Take that! the door will not open until your full out I WANT YOU tantrum turns into a whimper of "I not crying no more", cause who can resist a small child fully spent with tears, sweaty from the adrenaline rush to the quiver of the bottom lip "I sorry" face.??
Morgan and I have come to the point in our relationship where we have same views at different times. There is no compromise unless I feel the need to give in for the sake of wanting to reach into the cupboard drawer and pull out the duck tape or NyQuil. But I love her ALOT and would give anything for her happiness.
Oh the joys of child rearing no one can quite prepare you for it, you can read all the self-help books in the library but until you are standing in it you can't quite grasp the concept it holds.
I wonder being in a two parent home is it easier or harder??
Most days I am good with my decision making skills others I totally suck and I have no one to blame but myself. For the most part I try to reason with my two and a half year old which most times are Fail.....(but she said she understood so why is she doing it Ahhhhgain.) There are times at the end of a day I am just spent, worn out from explaining myself for the millionth time that day. I can't just hand over the responsibility hop in the car and race to the nearest Target for retail therapy. Six out of seven days a week it is just me and not to sound like I am tooting my own horn, night and day carrying the trials and tribulations of raising a tiny human and working full-time. When 10 o'clock rolls around you put your feet on the coffee table you have told your little one to stop standing on, banging on, hanging on all day, to be asleep before the opening credits of a prime-time show. Then I stop and think if I had a partner to tag team it would be so much more fun, but would it feel as rewarding? I do get breaks, over night stays when my daughter goes with her father or family but over indulging in that break causes chaos the next day if your not careful. Tending to a toddler on a hangover without support makes for a trust me on this one and you won't read that in any parenting book!
I am waiting for the day when my daughter turns to me to say Mom how did you ever do it?? Damn you were so good! and to leave me screaming outside that bathroom door for a whole two minutes has really made a difference in my life. I am not always going to get my way but to know you are there to comfort me when the frustration is over is worth more than any comfort of a bottle of wine.
The other day marked my first day of literally locking myself into the bathroom to apply my make-up so as not to have a toddler pulling on my pant leg begging to hold her for no apparent reason just cause I want you. Yeah well I want you too but I want you to go play with the millions of toys that are collecting dust in the 300 sq foot toy room built just for you. Take that! the door will not open until your full out I WANT YOU tantrum turns into a whimper of "I not crying no more", cause who can resist a small child fully spent with tears, sweaty from the adrenaline rush to the quiver of the bottom lip "I sorry" face.??
Morgan and I have come to the point in our relationship where we have same views at different times. There is no compromise unless I feel the need to give in for the sake of wanting to reach into the cupboard drawer and pull out the duck tape or NyQuil. But I love her ALOT and would give anything for her happiness.
Oh the joys of child rearing no one can quite prepare you for it, you can read all the self-help books in the library but until you are standing in it you can't quite grasp the concept it holds.
I wonder being in a two parent home is it easier or harder??
Most days I am good with my decision making skills others I totally suck and I have no one to blame but myself. For the most part I try to reason with my two and a half year old which most times are Fail.....(but she said she understood so why is she doing it Ahhhhgain.) There are times at the end of a day I am just spent, worn out from explaining myself for the millionth time that day. I can't just hand over the responsibility hop in the car and race to the nearest Target for retail therapy. Six out of seven days a week it is just me and not to sound like I am tooting my own horn, night and day carrying the trials and tribulations of raising a tiny human and working full-time. When 10 o'clock rolls around you put your feet on the coffee table you have told your little one to stop standing on, banging on, hanging on all day, to be asleep before the opening credits of a prime-time show. Then I stop and think if I had a partner to tag team it would be so much more fun, but would it feel as rewarding? I do get breaks, over night stays when my daughter goes with her father or family but over indulging in that break causes chaos the next day if your not careful. Tending to a toddler on a hangover without support makes for a trust me on this one and you won't read that in any parenting book!
I am waiting for the day when my daughter turns to me to say Mom how did you ever do it?? Damn you were so good! and to leave me screaming outside that bathroom door for a whole two minutes has really made a difference in my life. I am not always going to get my way but to know you are there to comfort me when the frustration is over is worth more than any comfort of a bottle of wine.
How do you do it?!?! I dont think we will ever know, but you are doing a damn good job, so keep doing what your doing, and hang in there! XOXO A
Is it easier with 2 parents? I'm on the fence about that, but then, my view is one sided. I almost threw both my 3 year old AND my husband out of the house this past weekend. They were both being ass holes. And unfortunetly, sometimes my husband reacts like a 3 year old himself when Dean is having a meltdown and that can be worse, because then I get, question still unanswered. Did that help?
No, it is not easier with least in my house. I am the one who Nicholas does not like to do things with me. Eddie is like the other child and that means...I do all the work. If I am lucky, I may get a minute break here or there! Keep up the good work!
i just keep telling myself they're can't be toddlers forever & this too shall pass...if i don't die first!
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