Not sure what I was thinking would happen, maybe perhaps one day Morgan would get up and say well hey you know the diaper thing just not the way I roll about I put on a pair of those cute mermaid panties and we can call it a day. Or we could just go down this long road of wearing pull-ups, convince me every time she will not pee in them until the next time she does. Then I cringe at the fact those pull-ups are a poor excuse for a big girl panty, not to mention sucking the budget down the drain. Who am I fooling it is pains takingly time consuming to get her little butt on the pot. Most signs point to the ready mark but then it points to all fail. As if the sleeping schedule and bottle feeding to holding a fork on her own the past two years wasn't enough now this!
The "big" girl stage has raged its' ugly head and is headed straight for me. My independent head strong little girl has now entered the "i do it myself" part of the game. From clothes to shoes I tread lightly very lightly, because I never know if it is my turn or hers. I will gladly take back the 2 year old stage cause I have a feeling 3 years is gonna be a bitch.
The "big" girl stage has raged its' ugly head and is headed straight for me. My independent head strong little girl has now entered the "i do it myself" part of the game. From clothes to shoes I tread lightly very lightly, because I never know if it is my turn or hers. I will gladly take back the 2 year old stage cause I have a feeling 3 years is gonna be a bitch.
Honey, I love you and Morgan very much, but you should know that the rest of your life is going to be wild. Morgan will continue to tell you what she wants to do and will probably do it all on her own. That is just her personality! She isn't going to take crap from anyone! That is why we love her!
potty training DOES suck...
You can do this mommy!! Too bad she is such a tiny gal. When I wanted Rose out of diapers I just bought some that were too small on her and then told her that is the size the come in because they are made for babies. After about 3 days in unconfortable diapers she desided it was much better to go all the time in the potty.
I know you will get through this, and she will be a wonderful and delightful 3 year old.
Next week is her birthday; are you going to "do" anything this year?
She'll get there soon, don't sweat it.
At least she dresses herself. My 4 year old still wants me to dress him, undress him, pick out his clothes, chew his food,...
At least he holds his own penis to potty. You gotta draw the line somewhere.
I told you that it is the terrible threes.......who are those 2 year old fooling?
Both of my girls came with an independent nature and strong will. I feel for you. HOWEVER, lots of hard work now WILL pay off. You will teach her to respect your authority, and she will. You just have to be consistent and endure lots of aggrevation! And, you will be so thrilled as she grows that she is a leader and not a follower and she will not succumb to peer pressure and all that other social crap little girls get into! Ugh, who ever knew the POWER of a toddler!
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