Things have just been busy crazy at work for me and I haven't been able to get back to what I started. At this point I'm kinda like a bad girlfriend who keeps wearing the low cut shirt but is never gonna give it up until I want to, so consider this your lucky day!
Last Friday I had the afternoon to myself. SD decided he was gonna put in some parenting time and pick up my baby and bring her home after dinner and of course the park. I went to the Walmart for some retail theraphy and birthday gifts for upcoming events. Somehow I didn't think a 2 year old was going to understand the value of a $10 gas card folded between a white sheet of paper with Happy Birthday written on the front with a blunt red crayon. During my shopping trip I received a call from BTC. We have been talking off and on for about a week. So as not to distrub my shopping anymore I asked him if he wanted to come over and hang out at my house later. He obiliged and we decided we would talk more when he came over to my house. Mind you we are just friends and I have made that decision based on the fact that he is really not over his ex-girlfriend and I choose not to be a rebound, to which he is aware. He is looking for a womans perspective on things so we just chit chat, no harm, no foul, whatever not getting to excited that things will be moving forward anytime soon. Keep that in mind.
I guess it really didn't dawn on me until about 7pm that SD was to arrive with Morgan around 7:30-8pm, what is he gonna think when he drops the baby off and another man is here?? my mind bounced back and forth.. hehehe and this probably isn't a good idea. Around that time BTC got a phone call of the personal matter and he decided to take it outside in his truck. I would later find out it was his girlfriend, confused as to whether she wanted to be with BTC or continue dating a guy from her work. Oh I know sounds to close for comfort but I am just offering him support although at times it breaks open old wounds.
I went about vaccuming my house and picking things up before the baby got home. Just as I was vaccuming the bedroom I heard SD yelling my name, I come out of the room and he says I didn't want to take my shoes off and hands me the baby. The look on his face was one of confusion not knowing what to say I opened up and said "I bet your wondering what a man is doing in my driveway on his phone?"! He looks at me and says what truck? I didn't see no guy on the phone. I said OH you didn't see the truck next to your in the driveway. I'm thinking at this point he is having an out of body experience and I am thankful my daughter made it home. SD leaves without another word. BTC comes back in the house by this time the baby is in the tub. I ask him if SD made any kind of jesture that he was there and he said he waved to him with a crooked smile.
The rest of the night went good I put the baby to bed and BTC talked me into watching an episode of Family Guy(stupid show) only after I told him he was going to watch The Mole on Tivo. That was about all my body had enough time for by 11pm my week was full and told BTC he had to roll out.
Next day SD calls and is very short with me doesn't have much to comment, he had been fighting the last week with his homewrecker and up until Friday night he wanted to move on and find his own place to live. His own place that didn't require a year lease for the sake if we ever got back together he didn't want to be stuck in that lease for a year. Yeha that news struck me a little funny too because I thought we were divorced and I had no idea we were dating again.
By yesterday SD was over his state of confusion and called to tell me that he was concerned about me having a guy over the other night and not to sell myself short. He also told me I was worth more than just a one night stand. Not only is he dating me in his mind, he is also a friend giving me dating advice with other men. At what point do I call the in the clowns??
Last Friday I had the afternoon to myself. SD decided he was gonna put in some parenting time and pick up my baby and bring her home after dinner and of course the park. I went to the Walmart for some retail theraphy and birthday gifts for upcoming events. Somehow I didn't think a 2 year old was going to understand the value of a $10 gas card folded between a white sheet of paper with Happy Birthday written on the front with a blunt red crayon. During my shopping trip I received a call from BTC. We have been talking off and on for about a week. So as not to distrub my shopping anymore I asked him if he wanted to come over and hang out at my house later. He obiliged and we decided we would talk more when he came over to my house. Mind you we are just friends and I have made that decision based on the fact that he is really not over his ex-girlfriend and I choose not to be a rebound, to which he is aware. He is looking for a womans perspective on things so we just chit chat, no harm, no foul, whatever not getting to excited that things will be moving forward anytime soon. Keep that in mind.
I guess it really didn't dawn on me until about 7pm that SD was to arrive with Morgan around 7:30-8pm, what is he gonna think when he drops the baby off and another man is here?? my mind bounced back and forth.. hehehe and this probably isn't a good idea. Around that time BTC got a phone call of the personal matter and he decided to take it outside in his truck. I would later find out it was his girlfriend, confused as to whether she wanted to be with BTC or continue dating a guy from her work. Oh I know sounds to close for comfort but I am just offering him support although at times it breaks open old wounds.
I went about vaccuming my house and picking things up before the baby got home. Just as I was vaccuming the bedroom I heard SD yelling my name, I come out of the room and he says I didn't want to take my shoes off and hands me the baby. The look on his face was one of confusion not knowing what to say I opened up and said "I bet your wondering what a man is doing in my driveway on his phone?"! He looks at me and says what truck? I didn't see no guy on the phone. I said OH you didn't see the truck next to your in the driveway. I'm thinking at this point he is having an out of body experience and I am thankful my daughter made it home. SD leaves without another word. BTC comes back in the house by this time the baby is in the tub. I ask him if SD made any kind of jesture that he was there and he said he waved to him with a crooked smile.
The rest of the night went good I put the baby to bed and BTC talked me into watching an episode of Family Guy(stupid show) only after I told him he was going to watch The Mole on Tivo. That was about all my body had enough time for by 11pm my week was full and told BTC he had to roll out.
Next day SD calls and is very short with me doesn't have much to comment, he had been fighting the last week with his homewrecker and up until Friday night he wanted to move on and find his own place to live. His own place that didn't require a year lease for the sake if we ever got back together he didn't want to be stuck in that lease for a year. Yeha that news struck me a little funny too because I thought we were divorced and I had no idea we were dating again.
By yesterday SD was over his state of confusion and called to tell me that he was concerned about me having a guy over the other night and not to sell myself short. He also told me I was worth more than just a one night stand. Not only is he dating me in his mind, he is also a friend giving me dating advice with other men. At what point do I call the in the clowns??
you should tell him green really isn't his color & you're thinking (if you are) that his ship has sailed & he made his decision a long time ago.
You appreciate the concern & will take it under advisement as he has done for you in the past.
then PUNCH HIM IN HIS EFFIN (I wanted to say the real word but I'm afraid you're friends already see me as the bad influence) OVARY, cause he's acting like a BITCH!!!!
all with a smile of course
Oh & I wanted to tell you about a 100push up challenge, see it on my page, click on it & DO IT!!!
its good for core & chest--BOOBIES :o)
I can do 4, right DO IT
love it 311.... all he has done for you in the past!
he's a tool and definately not worth meeting halfway on the Brooklyn Bridge
Can't you just change the locks already? And put like some kind of underground fence across your yard and driveway that zaps his balls everytime he crosses the line? That should "tell him" something.
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