Monday, June 23, 2008

Monday Meandering #4

Friday night as much as I HATE to let my baby go to spend the night with her father, I found myself welcoming it after the week I had. As much as I LOVE my daughter I needed a break to re-set my mind and close my eyes, because if you have ever been with a 19 month old child you can-not leave your eyes off them for fear of what may be thrown at you or harm that they may cause to themselves. With the baby gone for the night my sister and I went to dinner at the local tavern for a burger but more importantly a beer! The rest of my night I spent at home making a taco salad and drinking more beer while talking with my new friend Sandra who stopped by to say Hello. Lucky for Sandra my sister was making cookies while I was browning hamburger and we all got to sample hot gooey cookies from the oven YUM!
Saturday Morgan returned home in time for a much needed bath and nap. While she slept I loaded up the truck to travel to the west-side for my nephew Luke's birthday party. I only wish the day was a little warmer so the kids could have played in the pool more but it was still a fun time. My nephew got a fancy Pontiac Solstice for his birthday, you should have seen Morgan's eyes when they pulled it out of the box. I think she was more excited than Luke was in fact I think she sat in it first. Forget college I have to save up for a Barbie Corvette for Morgan's second birthday, then perhaps she can take herself to daycare.
Sunday we opted to stay home to reorganize the playroom which took all day. In the end there is more room than before to play without sitting on top of each other. As I cleaned out the toy box I realized some of Morgan's favorite toys weren't so favorite anymore and she was to big for them. I said "to big" my little girl is growing so quickly before my eyes and there is nothing I can do to stop it. It was nice to have the day together and not have to go anywhere. We spent most of our time snacking, reading books, making animals with Play-doh, and vacuuming. The best afternoon I have spent in a long time.


Anonymous said...

Sounds Perfect, I love those Sundays that you dont have to pick up and go go go.

Anonymous said...

Me idea of Sunday is wake up, breakfast, ad papers & NO SCHEDULE!!!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like your weekend was just what you needed. A bit of personal time, some auntie time, and then back to mommy time. AHHA you got it pretty good sista. Hope your week is a smooth one. I have to say I like your Monday Meanderings! Pickel Head

Kellie Bray said...

Nicholas has the Cadillac Escalade. If you look at his birthday post, he was riding away. Now I just have to keep him off of people's lawns!