The Armada Fair is in town again, by far it is one of the biggest 4H fairs in our area. If you love the smell of animal manure, fresh straw, tractor exhaust, deep fried elephant ears, popcorn, cotton candy, and hot dogs this is the place to be!! Can you believe I did not stop for a deep fried Twinkie or Oreo although it was very tempting. SD picked up Morgan on Friday and met me at home, this was a nice surprise to get home at 4pm and miss the rush hour traffic. After Morgan woke from her nap we headed over to the fair. Before we even entered the gate a mounted police officer passed us riding a huge horse, Morgan nearly fell out the stroller with eyes popping out of her head "BIIIGGG horsey"! This being the first time she was up close and personal with a horse, the smile on her face was priceless. We went to the petting tent to feed the goats, and touch the rabbits and baby chicks. On the way out we witnessed a llama relieving himself, an event not to be witnessed by those who have not seen birth.BLAH! At the cow tent Morgan was licked by the biggest tongue she had ever seen, she thought it was the funniest thing and it made her squeal in laughter. Although Morgan wanted to ride all the carnival rides we treated her to the carousal but she was more amused climbing the fence where the ponies were running.

Saturday it was nice to lay in bed until 8am and finally get some sleep I had been needing for the last week. Insomnia is back and I have to much on my mind to relax so when I get a chance to not be in a rush to get out the door it is always a pleasure. Morgan and I spent most of our morning running around playing baby dolls, reading books and putting together puzzles before nap. Then we headed over to the park to play on the swings and slide which are favorites of Morgans' lately. In facted the only way to get her away from the place was to suggest an ice cream push-up, so in a quick dash to the store to pick-up promised ice cream and we headed home.
Sunday of course we went to church, home for lunch and naptime. During Morgan's nap I snapped a few pictures of myself to be used maybe in a profile at a website soon. I have been wondering if putting myself out there on a website is to desperate but it may get me a free drink so I might take a chance. With of course a friend or two sitting in a booth at the same resturant for moral support of course. So tell me what you think which pic???
I am the biggest dork!!!! This is the most serious I could get when my dog was following me around panting, mocking my attempts to take a photo and look Hot for potential mates!
i like the first photo...the shadows are mysterious!
The first one for sure!
Both are great of course, but I like the first one...it has a soft look to it. Was that SD's arm in the pic or did you get some pipes with tatoos on them?
my choice is first!
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