Thursday, March 22, 2007

Happy Anniversary

WHATEVER!! Today is my 4th wedding anniversary, even though it has been over for quite sometime (June 2006), there is still a piece of paper somewhere that says I am still married. It is hard to believe that 4 years ago today I was exchanging vows with a man I thought I knew after 8 years of courtship. The only thing I knew was that the world was a pink hue in my rose colored glasses. Turns out that the only thing he was good for was a sperm donation 3 years later. As you can visually see this is the way I feel about the marriage today. When you say til death do us part should one take it literally? I mean not that I would ever intentionally cause harm to another human being but the feeling remains the same. I try to remain level headed and cordial to the father of my child, but for future reference he should never stand within swinging distance while I have a sharp object in my hand.
Was I kidding myself to walk down the aisle of holy matrimony? Someone should have slapped me with a silly stick. Not that I want go into great detail of the demise of the situation let's just say he continues to live outside the home we built and can go weeks at a time before seeing his daughter. Much to his suprize she changes everytime he sees her, well DUHHHHAAAA!!! Apparently he is a bit uncomfortable around me(could be the guilt in the pit of his stomach) which is why he doesn't visit as often as he should. Might I add that Morgan an I are doing just fine without him there as long as he keeps paying the mortgage and a little extra for diapers. I do not regret being a single mother, in fact more time for me nah, naha, neener!! I know that I will raise my little girl with morals and teach her not to make the same mistakes I have made. She has already made me stronger and made me realize that life goes on the same and only turns the way you tell it to.


Anonymous said...

Good for you sistah! And we'll have a big party for your next anniversary...your DIVORCE anniversary. Whenever that may be....

K said...

I used to feel VERY guilty for missing your wedding because I had already paid for a Mickey Redmond Travel trip to see the Red Wings play in Minneapolis. But now, I don't feel so bad... after all, it was hockey, a lot of beer with cousin KT and the Mall of America.