Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Pick me up

Today is one of those days where I should be doing something more productive at work. But seeing that everyone (boss's namely) have left for the day, I am left to my own devices. Which would take me to one of two places 1) the front of the office where the quote file lies open and partially reorganized and archived from 2005 and 2006, or 2) sitting behind this computer monitor searching the latest celebrity gossip and writing to the internet world. So I am guessing your pretty smart and know that I (as any of you who could take advantage of work time) am sitting here searching internet blogs of people who write far better than me. I tend to in the event of reading start to dose off a little until the untimely ring of the loud ass phone wakes me up(oh yeh I am at work). Wishing I could be home on my couch right now wrapped up in a fleece blanket, because the weather is down right crappy and if the sun doesn't show up soon I might have to buy a sun lamp to recharge my pineal gland.
So in my search on the web you can all rest easily that Britney has once again left re-hab, but this time completed "the program" and would like her privacy, frankly I think we have seen enough of her and would welcome a change. Most of the blogs I went to visit today have been un-changed from 3 days ago when I left them last. In my search of something new to read I ventured into links on my circle of friends blogs and found alot of depressing news. One of which a woman who had went through years of infertility now has two beautiful twins has lost a baby who was on the way. My heart goes out to her for it does not seem so long ago infertility plagued me. However the pain of being pregnant and losing a baby I have never been faced with, Thank God, but disappointment is a feeling that is undeniable. I had my share of disappointment. Then in another blog one that is entertaining on most days was just plain dull with another trip to the doctors. Everyone is sick and depressed makes me want to go out and shave my head and get a tattoo! I should have finished what I started in the quote file.
Well this is the highlight of my day the time of day where I can start packing it up and head home. Off to the place where I lay my weary head and feast my eyes on a juicy little girl I call Morgan. Sorry my post lacks just as much fun as the rest of you today. May tomorrow bring happier times!!

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