Thursday, March 1, 2007

Noah Called,

He is building the arc!!
Do you suppose only animals are invited?? I have never seen illustrations or suggestions that people had a spot on the voyage. But I would hope that I have a reservation if the water gets any deeper around here. It has rained all day in south east Michigan and it makes me nervous. We are already surrounded by water and continue to be poured on for what seems like days, a boat would seem like a logical mean of transportation right about now. I only like rainy days if I am at home with a good book or movie, warm blanket, and the best spot on the couch.
Hope you are all staying warm and dry. I wanted to post an itelligent story today but lack of time and energy has left me stumped so this is what you get. Bon Voyage!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I had a real funny comment about Noah having Monoecious tendancies...but eh...too much effort for a Friday afternoon...

Don't float away!