Monday, March 12, 2007

Sunshine on my shoulders,

Makes me Happy! Gotta love John Denver and his optimistic view of the world. The sound and the lyrics makes me want to revert to a hippy and drive a VW across the country. But it does not in any way make me want to put on a pair a flip flops on the first warm sunny day of the year, especially in Michigan.
Let me just come out and tell you all that I am a people watcher. And yeha I tend to be judgemental when it comes to things that should and should not be done in public. Not that my opinion matters but, seeing that I don't get out much anymore, here are just a couple things I noticed this weekend. While attending a birthday party at a more than popular joint Dave & Busters. I noticed a group of girls I guess late teens early twenties (you know the girls that are suppose to set the trend for the old folk to catch up on.?) Well they were wearing flip flops......and a couple must not have read or follow the sandal code of ethics....Thou shall have clean polished toes, buffed callasous, and so on. Might I add a line to the code that Thou shall wait til at least late May before breaking out in sandals or any open toed shoe for that matter. I mean yeha it was what 50 something today but in the evening it still gets pretty damn cold. And if your gonna wear them make sure they are a new model not a pair you wore out from April - July last year while riding the tailgate of your friends uncles brothers pick-up truck and accidentally stepping in the mud! I also couldn't help but noticed all the small children out after 9pm. By small I mean 6 and under it may be saturday but it is bed time. It is not time to take cuts in front of a 30 something single mother playing skeball and drinking a beer. No lil missy you need to step back before I go tell your mommy who is smokin almost her whole pack of Basics trying to wear your ass out so she can sleep in tomorrow, that it is time to go now!
But back to John Denver and his sunshine song that makes me happy.....not that today is all that sunny, in fact it is not at all, but the sun will come out tomorrow(a whole other song just popped into my head and yours too, cause I am goofy like that) Did you hear it maybe close to 70! So mark my word you will see someone who can't wait to put the top down on that convertiable with the windows rolled up and wearing a jacket. But damn the sun is out!!! I have a convertiable in Michigan WOOO-WHOO! May your day be bright and may you absorb enough vitamin D to replenish your pineal gland to keep your horomones functioning properly.


K said...

I agree! But you have to remember where you were... just because there are stores around the area doesn't make it a fashion mecca. The week before we were at a pub and as the waitress walked by Timm said EAST-SIDE... because she had made an unwise belt and hair choice.

Anonymous said...

2 things you have wrong...
1- the youth of today are not the fashion idols we all once thought we were. They wear too tight jeans and crop tops when they are HEAVIER than you or I (and we would not be seen in that garb. They wear sweatpants and pj's to the say they took the time to put their hair in a ponytail is saying allot.
2- Didn't you mean that John D. was optimistic? Or was that your sly way of saying the glass was half full?

K said...

hey... wha happen??? to the sunshine, did it turn into snow overnight? D#%^ IT!