Friday, June 22, 2007

Is it time yet?

As I get more settled into a routine. I find myself wanting to venture out more. Now that I know Morgan goes to bed by 7-8pm it gives me more time to think, no I don't leave the house to venture. I think of me and step back and look around at what I have done and what I am going through and frankly the whole thing scares the shit out of me. Holy crap I am a single mom who is in desperate need of a wardrobe make-over and some highlights, because the whole natural hair color thing is not working out for me like it did in my 20's. I have gray (yes gray) peppered all in the front and sides of my head! Good Lord what did I do to deserve this too!
But materialistic things aside, I have considered trying an on-line dating service. For mental mind and maybe incentive to start working out for the body. Part of me feels that I am just not ready to venture into a realationship of serious proportions but it might be nice to have a man to talk to. Now I have not been on the scene for a long time.....and not sure if it is really the right time now?? Some advice from you may help in making my decision. Or maybe some of you might have a single male friend you would like to send my way. A mature man who does NOT spend most of his time on the baseball diamonds, watching hours ESPN, or has more than a dozen prono tapes. Someone who is compassionate, kind, loyal, funny, charming, sensible, has his own car, and cute. Is that asking to much? well that is just for starters I am sure I am missing a few qualities but I can always make them up as I go, hey womans prerogative! Someone who looks kinda like my pretend celebrity boyfriend would be great....... Thanks :PAnd this wouldn't be bad either................................


K said...

dude, if I knew a guy like that, I'd have him myself....

on-line dating is scary... I put my big toe in and was scared back pretty quicklyl, but Yvette had a lot of luck with

gray is evil, my new colorist is my best friend, I've always wanted to be best friends with a gay guy

Anonymous said...

I have a single male friend with only 11 porno tapes!! I'll set you up!!

just kidding. But if I stumble across someone that fits your descrition, I'll be sure to send him your way.

The 311 Boys Mom said...

Uhm, the guy you're looking for is gay. Seriously. You might find one not on the ball field, but on a sheet of ice or soccer field, or golf course. ESPN never changes & ALL THE STRIGHT MEN you're referring to are taken & wouldn't consider leaving; they're too good!

BUT, If I find a good hearted, employed guy, that looks like he'd at least be good betwen the sheets, I WILL SEND HIM TO YA (after 9pm, make sure Morgan's in realm of dreaming) :)