Thursday, July 5, 2007

Independence Day

Yesterday we all celebrated our Independence and I hope everyone said an extra prayer for a safe return to all of our troops still fighting for our freedom. God Bless and thank you for protecting us in a time of need.
Morgan grew a new independence of her own yesterday, the girl can now sit upright in a shopping cart and enjoys it!! I had the day off so I decided to do a little grocery shopping. I took along the buggy bag to try it out, it was a HIT!! Not only does it protect her from sliding side ways when I take the corners of the aisles quickly but she doesn't chew on the metal bar in front of her. The inside of the bag has clips for the toys too, to prevent her from throwing them out. Now that she is sitting up and getting looks from all that pass her by she is happy, and Mom is happy too!
Now if only I can teach her to drive without wrinkling her nose....................

1 comment:

K said...

Maybe she will be a race car driver when she grows up!!