Monday, September 17, 2007

Where are we going?

This post started off as a re-cap of my weekend. As I was typing I realized it didn't make any sense at all and it was plain out boring!!! So to save you all the lack luster details I will just emphasis on the eight or more grueling hours I spent in the car this weekend. Do you have any idea just how much cabin pressure build-up all that driving does to ones brain in a 48 hour period. Let me just say I have a ringing sensation in my ears and not sure why my eye keeps twitching!
As much time as I spend driving during the week, the last thing I want to do on the weekend is drive all around kingdom come. But for the entertainment of others, me and my baby entourage went to visit family on Saturday on the west side. Then on Sunday we went condo searching after church, not that the house has sold (sorry didn't mean to get you excited there) just exploring our options.
There may be a breaking point in here were the driving finally wins and I give up and just live in the hotel near work just for the simple fact that I don't want to drive anymore!! If I were wealthy I could hire a personal driver to take me to work, but then I wouldn't go to work because I was wealthy enough to not go and stay home with my baby, where I really want to be in the first place, because daycare is draining the very life out of my bank account as we speak, and I hope I have enough pop bottles to take back for baby formula tonight, and a little left over to top off the gas tank in the car until Friday. Sorry for the run-on sentence but my brain just now had on over-load and I couldn't stop. whew!!!!!!!!!!! I feel some what better, but my eye is still twitching.
In a closing note my sister is watching Morgan for me today, and she called to tell me how much fun Morgan is having in her car. Huh what car? I ask. The blow up one you had sitting un-opened on the chair in the living room. Oh the one I intended to give as a gift to SOMEONE else? It would be this one;Have a great week!!


The 311 Boys Mom said...

sisters are awesome!! :o)

And I want you to feel a little better on the daycare thing, I have to lose 3 hrs a week of OT for PArker to go to daycare that ONLY I pay for at $200- a week.

BUT we (we beign Shane) saves on gas cause daycares closer to work.

BUT my mom is driving Brandon to school & I figured its about $6 p/day; so I gave her my car on full since it sits until Saturday anyway.

After my car, ins & daycare, I have like $150- for the week, that's family grocery's gas in my car, Brandons' lunch & extra $$ & for me you ask.. . . . . .a big FAT NOTHING!!!

I love being a mom (& I make about $40,000 a yr; together we clear $100+.......but taxes & gas are killing us & our over priced house!

OH & I'm only on 94 for 1.6 miles & its under construction, s we sit on it for 20-65 minutes, (yes, 1 hr 5 minutes twice now, for 1.6 miles.

I HOPE & PRAY they accept our offer on the house 1 mile from work!!!

The 311 Boys Mom said...

I hope hope you girls get the condo & he goes back to the house!!!!

Its for your own sanity!!!

K said...

she totally gets to keep the car, right??

Anonymous said...

But K, what if that car was for you?