Monday, January 28, 2008

Weekend Interrupted

Yep in true single mom fashion, my plans for the weekend changed and it was only 5:44 Saturday morning. I called it in my last post, goes to show boasting even a little bit will bite your ASS! Saturday morning Morgan woke hotter than the sun on a summer day, and soaking wet through her pajamas and the sheets with both eyes glued shut with mucus discharge! I felt so bad for her I am not sure when the fever started or when she wet the bed bless her heart she never woke in the middle of the night because she was wet or miserable. As I tried to change her and comfort her for her obvious discomfort she cried inconsolably and was shaking tremendously. I tried to use my ninja mommy moves to find I just wasn't moving fast enough to get her in warm clean pajamas (it could have been the un-Godly hour), but we made it through and was able to calm enough to get a bottle of milk in her before attempting to take her temperature that spiked to 104.5 and give her Tylenol before the next out-burst of screaming occurred. Needless to say the weekend was spent holding a sick baby who developed a sore throat and sinus infection and was unable to breathe unless she was sitting up, which meant Mommy had to hold her in the chair without eating or drinking for hours(me not her) of course I gave the baby food and drink for fear of dehydration.
Saturday night I took Morgan to Urgent Care and the doctor there said she is sick and wrote her a RX for antibiotics. Well thanks Urgent Care you really know your stuff. But did you know that giving a 15 month old a liquid form of antibiotics is like skeet shooting if you don't aim the syringe at just the right angle and at the right time you will miss the revolving head that spins faster than the clay disc before falling into your mothers shoulder only to get a baby so upset the she throws up and it makes you wonder do you think she absorbed any of the pink liquid that now has discolored your favorite shirt? The fever finally broke Sunday late afternoon, and Morgan was able to play a little and eat some dinner a for an hour before falling into Mommy's lap to go to sleep by 6pm and sleep for 12 hours.
So this morning SD is pulling his weight and watching Morgan while I am at work getting a little R&R before I return home to the ever demanding 15 month old who I can't deny because that is my real job being a Mom. A single mom who will not complain that she missed a lunch and movie with her sister, and a night out with the girl's to share an adult beverage while shopping for knock off Coach purses and costume jewelery at my girlfriends home Saturday night, but be thankful for the money I saved staying home comforting the baby I would stop the world for.


Anonymous said...

You tell it sista!

Kellie Bray said...

I doesn't get any better with the medicine. Nicholas always gave me a hard time....I finally got him to take a liquid antibiotic with his last sinusitis case. I paid $2.99 to have it grape flavored at Walgreen's and he actually took it himself!! I almost fainted. You will find it is hard to find dissolving pills instead of the good luck...I tried everything short of tying him up and propping his mouth open (and yeas wear a garbage bag, because you WILL be wearing it)!!

Anonymous said...

Dean loves antibiotics! Whatever the hell they flavored it with at Meijer (for free I think) must have tasted like cotten candy to the boy!