Thursday, May 15, 2008

Comfort Food

You are not going to believe what is going on over at my house right now. If you take a whiff out the window and point it in the direction NE and catch the down wind you may get a hint scent of pot roast with carrots and mushrooms simmering in a bath of onion soup! Let's hope that the trusty crock pot I am using didn't blow a fuse or spark a short and catch fire(which in my case may be doing me a favor so I can get out of the house I am living in and move closer to oh people, and it is taking a long time for my left arm to grow back after cutting it off to buy gas last week, and it would be great to move before I have my other arm removed, then it would defeat the whole purpose in driving)!
I love to cook and used to do it quite often, since becoming a single mom I just don't have the time. Then there is the fact that there is only so much lemon chicken you can shovel into an 18 month old mouth before she is over loaded, and offers the plate to the dog. The left overs become an issue because they just don't taste the same to me the next day unless it is a bowl of pasta. So I don't cook anymore but when I get the chance I return to my old favorites, the comfort food. Good thing it isn't everyday because the last 10 pounds I want to lose after the birth of my child would be 20 or more. Tonight is pot roast with carrots served with mashed potatoes and if I get the chance homemade gravy. A few weeks ago my sister and I indulged in meatloaf, which I must digress is awesome leftovers on soft wonder bread!
Many of the foods I love to cook are old past times and recipes I inherited from my PaPa many years ago. I miss the old fart and his love of cooking. All week he would shop at four or five different grocery stores to get the best deals on meat and groceries. Then spend the weekend preparing the best meal for who ever would stop in for a visit which would be at least a handful of us. I would love helping him prepare the celery and onion, chopped to the finest morsel, he never complained that my half was chopped different than his. It would take all day to cook the meals he prepared, he would have never understood the 30-minute meal. I can hear him now "the longer you cook it the more flavor", I am sure the extra dollop of butter when the dish started to dry out helped the flavor too.

What is your favorite comfort food? and when is the last time you ate it?


Anonymous said...

Home made chicken noodle soup. It has been way too long-Colleen

Anonymous said...

anything with mashed potatoes...

K said...

my grandma's buttered egg noodles, I can never make them like she used to because she used real egg noodles and real butter

Anonymous said...

Chinese food? Maybe shrimp fried rice...

Superstar said...

Home made, super cheesy, macaroni and cheese