Back on the 13th of June my Uncle Bill lost his life in a battle of many different complications. He had been sick for sometime but was only 62 years old and I thought he would have bounced back from his stay in the hospital. I do not know all the painful details and I choose not to for I want to remember the memoriable stories that I cherish in my heart.
One story I will tell you today......
It was Easter dinner gathering at my house three years ago. Most of the family present for the event, one particular dinner I was extra nervous about. For on the day I was going to tell my family that I was finally pregnant after four long years of my battle with infertilty. Not only was this important but we were going to surprise Uncle Bill with a cake and birthday presents for his 60 years since birth.
My plan to tell the family (of why I was running to the bathroom every 5 minutes to puke) about the upcoming birth was to fill an Easter basket with plastic eggs, each egg with an inspirational note inside to read aloud with everyone. One egg was painted gold and the person who got the gold egg would not know before opening it but the message inside said I was expecting a baby.
So the basket was passed around as everyone stood around the kitchen table grabbing the egg of their choice. My Uncle Bill being none the wiser viewed the basket and shot right for the gold one. This was not planned for him to get the gold egg it was his choice, what better surprise to give him on his birthday than to be the one to tell the family I was pregnant. As I saw who had the gold egg I choose the person on his right which was my Aunt Bette to go first and open her egg. We went around the circle opening eggs, sharing heart felt messages and some funny humored notes. Uncle Bill was the last to open his egg once he opened it, he looks up and says "now I can't make a joke out of this" "are you for real?" and everyone looked around like what? and he announced I was pregnant with a tear in his eye and chuckle in his voice.
I am so glad I have that memory for one of the happiest days in my life. It was so fitting that my Uncle Bill would get that golden egg. Not only do I have that memory of him but it made me feel a piece of my Papa(who past 12 years ago) was there too, my Uncle Bill being his only son delivered a message of one of my greatest accomplishments the impending arrival of my baby girl.

What an amazing story to remember and share with Morgan when she is old enough to want to know about her family :)
utterly beautiful...
very nice.
I hope your friend is ok too. I'm always sad whenever I hear something that.
there’s a boy in your Gramma neighborhood, in a wheelchair, his names Jimmy--my brother & brother are BFF's--anyway he had some discomfort yesterday morning & his mom took him up to Botsford & he has severe pneumonia & an air bubble in his diaphragm (which could go to his brain/heart & kill him). they told her yesterday there's nothing more they can do cause he’s soooo weak. He should be about your sisters age he went to C’Ville too. Anyway---since you're all in with God & what not, I was hoping you could say a prayer. Brandon saw him like Monday or Tuesday around the neighborhood & he was fine. laughin, out with friends & now they're hopin to make it through he weekend.
Thanks for the beautiful story. Tears...
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