Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Sleepy Tyme

I sit here in my pj's listening to the evening sounds of the fan humming from the room next door. Just beyond the wall lays my baby girl asleep, tummy full from a late dinner, washed from head to toe with a new berry burst bath soap, and thoroughly spent from the day. She tricked me into three books instead of two and rocking her in the rocking chair tonight. She played the snuggle me card that not many Mom's get from an almost 23 month old. When my girl gets really sleepy she likes to be tickled, an expression that means to barely touch her skin so she gets tiny goose bumps that puts her into a trance. "tickle me mommie" she says "tickle, legs, tickle tummie, tickle back" moving in positions so my hand gets just the right spot. As she nuzzles her way into my chest I rock, submitting to her requests, realizing she no longer fits comfortably but rather cramped up trying to get the perfect spot so she can fall asleep with me. I cherish these nights for there will come a day she will not need the comfort of my touch or the reassurance that I will see her in the morning.
As a Mom I find no greater gift than the moments I find my girl needs me, trust that I will be there for her, and all she has to say is "tickle mommie"


Anonymous said...

So sweet, Morgan is lucky to have a mommy who loves her sooo much!
xoxo A

Anonymous said...

You Sista are a mighty mommy, a great writer, and a fantastic woman. thanks for reminding me of what is important and what we need to take time to see. Love ya. tmp

Kellie Bray said...

How sweet. Welcome back. I owe you big time for painting the baby's room! Love ya!

Anonymous said...

I think you got all of my mothering instinct...can I have some back? ;p)

Your Special Cake! said...

As I wipe away tears from reading this, remembering back about 5 years ago... my kids are practicing the clarinet and wrestling with the dogs. Those were the days....