Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Chance of Snow near 100%.....

Today: breezy, colder. A chance of flurries through late morning, then snow. Blowing snow by late afternoon. Accumulations 1 to 2 inches. Highs 16 to 20. Northeast winds 10 to 20 mph until early afternoon, increasing to 15 to 25 mph, with gusts to 30 mph. Chance of snow near 100 percent. Wind chill readings down to around 5 below. Here it comes the winter wonderland we all know and love. I just love Michigan winters and how the weather man covers his ass with near 100% so if it goes over 100% can't say we didn't warn you, and if it is under 100% thank goodness he didn't say 100%. Do you catch my drift??(pun intended!) I personally think it looks beautiful with a fresh blanket of snow covering all of natures wonder. Almost like nature is all tucked in for a winters nap. Then it awakes to the sun welcoming the warmth and wishing for spring to return and bring color to the ground with flowers to distract your attention from all the mud covered slush. With the warmth brings a promise of summer that will once again thaw our bones for only a short while. Then the color turns into fall so that we can reflect back on sweating our ass off in the sun only to be reminded fall will cool you down. Then eventually old man winter sets in so we can anticipate a change once again. Or just bitch and complain like most of us in Michigan do, because we can. We all know that if you blink you will miss a season that you like best, and long to see again. If there is one thing you can talk about it is the weather. Though it doesn't get enough credit when credit is due. So tomorrow morning while your drive in looks a little like the view through the windshield of a silver Honda Civic. Take a minute to remember the time the weather looks it's best to you. It may make the time it takes to get from here to there a little more comforting, or it may just piss you off that your drive doesn't take you south of the snow belt and a little closer to the equator where it is warm and the salt from the city truck in front of you isn't sticking to your under carriage. Be safe driving and try decaf coffee tomorrow for some reason I am thinking your blood pressure will already be up.


K said...

My blood pressure is already up thinking about it!!! Damn you and your cheery outlook (just kidding!). My windshield solvent doesn't squirt out anymore and I don't have the money to get that fixed. My commute will suck tomorrow for sure. But I will probably be singing "Boat Drinks!" to myself... it is 20 degrees and the hockey game is on.

Anonymous said...

Yeah. What K said. Boat Drinks you silly hoochy!! No one really LIKES Michigan winters...that is all in your head.