Friday, February 9, 2007

How big is your UVULA?

Ok give it a minute.....are you sure?
As I mentioned in an earlier post I attend a girls club once a month. A circle of hens who get together for a night out and we entertain each other with monthly updates on family, have a little snack, and throw in a game for the fun of it once in awhile. Last night was one of those once in awhile board game nights ; behold a Hiliarious game that we just discovered ; it had everyone rolling for 2 hours, seriously I think I peed myself twice laughing so hard and lost my voice because I choked on my own spit more than once. I highly recommend this game for adults!! It really gets you thinking of what other people really perceive of you. So you can imagine my surprise when it was my turn and (while according to the rules of the game) I was reading off the cards that had been given to me. Object - to find a true statement and a funny statement so that the person who handed you the card can earn a token. Now mind you I have known these women for quite sometime and nothing surprises me anymore especially when it comes to humorous acts of woman-kind!
The card that I held in my hand took me by surprise it read"I have a large uvula", it took a minute and after the silence in the room I looked up and said "Is that?????". The crowd burst out in laughter!! I am hoping you are getting a visual and you are finding this funny because I feel and look like a big DORK! So I think half the room knew what it is and half did not myself included. So take sometime to ponder how big your uvula is or what it looks like and take a gander at it.......Your Uvula
Is it what you thought?? I didn't think so!!!! You may be just as dorky as ME!!
Happy Friday!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think maybe you gals get a little too close if someone notices how large your uvula is!