Thursday, February 8, 2007

The Good, The Bad, & Down-right UGLY

The good - Morgan and me are warm and have been taking hot baths and showers for almost a week now. Our hot water tank has been replaced as of last friday-Thank you Unkie! and you not only saved us $250 on install of a new unit you also fixed this, that and the other around the house! Things you take for granted really mean alot when you go without for almost a week. In other news Morgan has been (and maybe I should knock on wood before putting this in writing) sleeping through the night, 10 hours for almost 4 days. I mean I can put her to bed at 7pm and have me time for almost 2 hours before I feel like sleeping myself. I am sure this rest will only last a short time before the teething starts but thank God for the reprive to let me catch up. I have time for my most loved past time TIVO!!
The bad - What started off as a good thing lead to a bad thing as of yesterday. Last friday in the midst of having the hot water tank installed the realtor called and wanted to schedule a showing on the house for monday, I jumped at saying YES! Well the agent came over monday afternoon and again on tuesday afternoon - same people both days looked promising. Well they had 3 homes they really liked and ours was one of them, unfortunatly they are bidding on a new construction. I learned this yesterday after our realtor called to follow up on the showing and throw in a couple extra things like the hot tub, but he was told maybe next time. Darn it please keep praying that we sell this place before I go completely insain!
The down-right UGLY - Me, myself and I have been wanting to get back on a routine of working out. Because frankly I can not stand the site of my flabby underarms, cottage cheese dairyeire(ass), and muffin tops not only over my bra but over the top of my pants. Usually in a time of stress I tend to eat things that are not so healthy or not at all. So you see when I am in the drive thru I think well I didn't eat dinner last night so the 5000 calorie breakfast sandwich won't matter so much. Wrong! Who am I kidding??!! Fatigue, lack of energy, and an inability to get going are my favorite excuses. If I ever want another man to even look at me I am going to have to do something about myself. How does a single mother tend to her child and herself without feeling selfish? I only have 2-3 hours with Morgan a day after picking her up from the sitters and driving home, I don't want to waste time on me that I could spend with her. Don't think I am going to spend the couple hours I mentioned above working out that is absurd, we can not mess with TIVO time! Besides I don't want to work-out before bed I need down time. Maybe I will try one of those work out videos that has mom and baby working out together....if I knew how to insert a link here I would. But this video workout uses baby as the weight or balance resistance. Sounds like fun and worth a try just wondering if Morgan will be as excited as I am? If not I guess we will have to wait until the weather gets warm in 4 months to go walking.


Anonymous said...

Message to Muffin Tops:
and most important,

Things seem allot better now, don't they.

Anonymous said...

me time is very important! Morgan is getting her me time by getting plenty of sleep at 7 pm, so give yourself at least 30 minutes to work out, stretch, yoga, crunches, light weights, whatever!!! YOU deserve at least 30 minutes a day. A happy baby loves a happy mommy!!!!!(did I mention I am going to be taking classes 4 days a week soon? no guilt here!)