Friday, February 2, 2007

Life does NOT suck

So it hasn't been the best week for me but I am trying so hard to convince myself that well it could be worse. My hot water heater has hit the shit bed!! I have gone this whole week with only one decent hot shower, thank you to my in-laws. Yesterday my father in-law spent most of his morning trying to figure out why the water heater was only heating one tank and going out. To his dispair the control panel is no good because of the hard water has built up on it over the years. Today my uncle is installing a new tank which is not cheap but alot cheaper than the car repair I had to suck up last month.
I don't want to bore everyone with my problems, really I am not that pesimistic. My life does not totally suck (note to self; be more optomistic)! My daugther and I are warm, well fed and are in fairly good health. I am more fortunate than some single parents who have to work two jobs and never get to see their children. I can afford a tank of gas even in the days of a shitty economy. And I don't have to work weekends! Which is great because this weekend is calling for cozy pants and snuggle time with my baby, it is going to be down right cold!! I am rich in love and concern of my family and friends, and really there is nothing more greater. Some one once told me that God never gives you more than you can handle, well he must think I am pretty strong. To that I say bring it on!!
May your weekend be filled with warm pajamas, cozy slippers, soup and hot chocolate!!


Anonymous said...

Whenever I feel down about my life, I like to remember that I am not a Crack Whore.
No matter what I do (ouch, I drank too much wine, ooops I smoked too many cigarettes, yikes I backed into my in-laws van...not because of the wine mind you) at least I am not a Crack Whore.
See, it could be worse. You could be a Crack Whore.

K said...

I hope you guys had a cozy weekend!

Anonymous said...

Good words.