Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Return Policy

I am not a big fan of returning things to any store because I just don't like the hassle. Or maybe the inconvience of my time and apparently the time of the chick behind the counter who is getting paid to take the return. The blame for my utter dismay yesterday afternoon(and continued disguss this morning) is on the years of all those unloyal customers who have mistaken the return counter as a free for all. To all you patrons out there who have tried to beat the system and get something for nothing to you I am pissed off!!! Not to mention you have turned the chick behind the counter into some type of martor. She is trained to look you in the eye and shoot a joilt of guilt through your body and recite the return policy alligence. I know you are wondering why my blood is boiling over this issue, and I am going to tell ya......I don't like feeling guilty for returning an item at a store that I spend alot of money at, only to feel shame for returning something I know I am not going to use.
I have spent some time at the return counter in recent months because of baby showers rained upon me celebrating the up coming birth of my first child. My trips are to two stores in particular, one being the most popular Babies R Us, they know a new mom is not always thinking clearly and may not have everything organized with a new bundle of joy. So when you return something they are happy to give you in store credit with which they know you will use on any item in the store, if you have a receipt or not. This is fine usually when I return something I end up spending the money back in the same store again anyway. Unfortunatly not all things given to me at the shower were from Babies R Us. Most gifts came with gift receipts, some did not, and given all efforts on my part before going to the store and trying to match the items and receipts before hand I am sorry I just can't do it all.
The store to which I had no trouble with a couple months back has now branded me a marked woman.......Target. Yes, Target the store I always referred to as a classie Kmart for the modern day woman. The store I think of when I need basic necessities for my home, a new pair of shoes, cute cards, baby things, or now even basic groceries. All I wanted to do was exchange two packages of Luvs diapers for two packages of Pampers diapers. Instead I walked away with one package of Pampers and one package of Luvs diapers and a bad attitude not only to the bitch behind the counter but for the whole store in general. The return policy SUCKS!!
It goes a little something like this; walk into store chick behind counter happy to take the two packs of Luvs diapers and informs me that as long as the Pampers are $9.49 or more the exchange will be no problem. I hustle to the diaper aisle and yes the Pampers are a whole .05 cents more so far so good. Chick behind counter (I did not get her name but chick is much nicer than the word I would rather use and if I keep referring to the rather word I would rather use over and over, you might want to hail Mary to forgive your sins) she robotically asked for my drivers license. She scans one package of Luvs for return then scans Pampers for purchase, that will be .05 cents please. I hand her the change, she gives me a receipt and at this point I wonder why didn't she do both packages at the same time. Are you still with me....ok. When she scans the second package of Luvs OPPS you can't return this one......HUH???? Our policy states only 2 returns within a 12 month period for items without a receipt, you must have returned something else before your time. I think for a second when did I return.....oh back in December a number of items from the baby shower but with no hastle because I purchased what I wanted in the same department. I express my disguss with chick behind counter and her ignorance on scanning each item seperately. I hate to think she has one up on me I feel defeated and take my one package of Pampers and one package of Luvs which I feel like kicking all the way to my car cause it is not what I wanted. From now on if I ever step foot into a Target I will forever feel that I am wearing the scarlet "R" letter for customer over her return limit. So thank you to all the untrustworthy patrons of returns past you ruined my shopping experience at Target I hope you are happy!
Does anyone want to buy a package of size one Luvs or happily exchange them for Pampers?? Just kidding I am going to ol' reliable K-mart, sorry if I betrayed you my friend, can you kindly exchange my pack of diapers???

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm getting you a scarlett letter R tattoo for your forehead!!!