Monday, March 5, 2007

Pet Peeves

Monday morning bitch.....
Minor annoyances get the best of me, little things that may mean nothing to you or the everyday person, make my skin crawl, or make me want to yell OUT LOUD.....STOP you blasting idiot(knock on the head "Mick Fly")!!
For example the proper way to open a bag of potato chips, along the top of the bag the seal runs from side to side. If you squeeze with both of your fore fingers and thumbs you can achieve an opening along the top of the bag just under the machine made seal,nnniiicccee(to be said in a long drawn out fashion). A bag with such a seal should NOT be opened with your teeth and riped down the side creating a mis-mangled jagged edge in the celafane wrapper, which is nearly impossible to close if all the contents in the bag are not eaten in one sitting. This also goes for soft baked cookies that are served in a plastic tray with the same type of factory celephane wrapper, if the bag is torn along the sealed edge you can easily slide out the tray and slide it back in to maintain the freshness that is needed to enjoy these cookies through out the day. The cookies I brought in this morning must now be eaten quickly because someone who was much more hungry than me decided to bust open the wrapper from the top and side! Thus exposing most of the cookies to the air, so I will only enjoy a couple of moist cookies before they completely dried out tomorrow!!(sigh)
Over the weekend while enjoying the company of family and passing the baby from yes everyone, I started to get annoyed. There is a certain way I like to hold Morgan while feeding and burping and not everyone does it my way, and I am starting to think she is picking up on that because she looks very uncomfortable when others are feeding her. I had to walk out of the room and hold my breathe so as not to run across the room and rip my daugther from the arms of someone who loves her very much and hurt anyones feelings. I prefer not to watch my child get tossed around from shoulder to shoulder when she doesn't burp when a simple sit up in the lap and a gentle tap on the back does the trick. Doesn't everyone have maternal instincts??
But the peeve that takes the cake......DO NOT put your fingers in my babies mouth!!! I know she likes to chew on her own fingers and every once in awhile gag herself (of course not intentionally). She is 4 months old and might be teething but that is NOT for you to decide to find out by sticking your finger in her mouth!!!! Especially when I did not see you wash your hands after petting the dog!! Yes I am jumping out of my skin on this one!! My skeleton might as well grab a hold of your neck and ring you one! ok calm down a slight stare with a look of disapproval should be more than enough to get the point across. I guess not... well picking up the baby and changing the subject so as not to make the situation uncomfortable is enough. Ok sorry just a little parinoid of the germs at this stage with a slight smile.
Maybe I should not devulge to much so you all don't think I might need sometime in a straight jacket. Really a few things bother me and it gets worse with age. I guess I should just let some of it go. I do not have a problem it is just everyone else...HAHAHA
I like to think I am not the only one with with certain things that just bother me, surely your head in nodding and want to tell me just what bugs you, please share...........


K said...

Don't even get me started. I'll start my own list and you'll be ready to lock me up.

Anonymous said...

That wicker thing...yes, the tall one located next to the dresser....It's called a clothes hamper. Your dirty clothes go in here. I know I know...the floor seemd like the correct place for your dirty clothes, but really, it's not I swear.

Anonymous said...

I think you might need a couple of strong drinks and then nothing will bother you as much.

Morgan's Mom said...

yeh another pet peeve people who type a comment as Anonymous! aaaahhhhh! Drinking doesn't solve things it creates more problems. ;P

Anonymous said...

the drink thing was a joke....maybe a therapist would help! I forgot to sign my name, but now I don't think I want to.

sbiscorner said...

Uh, why don't you grow up "anonymous"
Cowards aren't welcome here.
Michelle, I love ya and we all know you are a great person and a wonderful mommy!