Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Speedy Rewards

So I am part of the Speedy Rewards club at the local gas station. Now before you get all jealous and stuff because it doesn't take much to become a member there is no crazy password to remember or even an initiation of running around the station three times with your hands in the air screaming "I want to be part of your club"!! (Whatever just trying to humor all of you) Just a simple information application and your on your way "the convinent stores of Speedway"(to be sung in a jingle type of tone), along with your info you get one of those fancy tags with a bar-code on the back to attach to your key ring, just so you know I belong to more than one club I have more tags than keys, tags include Kroger, PetSmart, Progressive, Borders, and my fav DSW Shoes(which doesn't get as much activity as I would like). Back to my rewards so I am on a cappucino 3/4 fill with a 1/4 top off of Jamacian roasted coffee KICK-YUM! Could explain the extra dimples on my dairy-heir as of late. Moving on....part of the rewards is to buy 5 cups of coffee or cappucino and get your 6 cup FREE! It is a happy day when I get that coupon on the day of cup 5! The other morning I get my coffee as usual and walk out, I get almost to my car then run back in to make sure my free coupon had spit out. Well wouldn't you know the woman in line behind me tried to snatch up MY free cup! I politely ask the cashier if I had a free coupon she did not know but the woman at the counter said "yes you did" and slides the coupon over to me as if she was caught in the act. That is right step off beatch single mom on a budget don't play when it comes to a free cup of cappucino!! Now I know how I was jipped out of the last free cup! someone with sticky fingers took my coupon last time too. Get your own rewards people. It's free!

1 comment:

K said...

thanks, now I'm singing "the convenient stores of Speedway"