Monday, June 4, 2007

What would you do?

Since most of the prime-time television season has come to a close with season finales, I have found time to catch up on random shows that I have recorded in the past six months. One in particular is Primtime the news show on ABC they had a special edition called Basic Instincts, there was 5 or 6 I recorded but the last one I watched was Turning the Tables. They taped actors and actress in a crowded park fighting and yelling in what was to be a "heated argument" and wondered what people who were passing by would do to help the person who was being threatened. I guess I was not surprised when many people passed by and seemed to ignore what they were seeing. Which reminded me of something that I had seen happen the day before while walking into a Wal-mart.
Saturday afternoon as I was walking in the parking lot and watching the smile on my daugthers face as she looked up at me in delight as I was looking down on her to tell her we were going shoppin'!! We were interupted by a woman coming out of the Wal-mart. This woman in her 60's began yelling at her 2 yr old grandson, for what reason I could not point out other than being 2 and not wanting to be drug around by his arm. This scene diturbed me to the point where I stopped and wanted to turn and say something to the woman, but I frooze.......I do not know what to say other than is it really necessary for you to use that tone of voice at such a young person who probably doesn't know why you are treating him the way that you are in the first place?! Could I have made a difference in that small childs life by saying something? The small butterfly in my stomach says "yes you could have". I mean the woman was yelling "GET UP GRAMMA IS NOT GOING TO TAKE THIS ANYMORE" and in her fit of frustration was swinging her other arm in an attempt to swat his butt, all the while the little boy was whining as if he had enough and had no other way to express himself. I felt so helpless at that point and so as not to upset my baby (because I seen the look on her face of being scared of the womans voice) I quickly went into the store. There were other people around too, it was a busy weekend afternoon, and no-one stopped to say anything! What would you have done? I mean this was an innocent child who was lashing out obviously becuase he has not been taught the proper way, and by a grandmother who should have known better.
It really bothered me and it made me hold my baby a little tighter and give her one more kiss as if she can't get anymore, because I don't ever want her to feel threatened.
The next time I may just take that extra step and say something and hope that postively the person will get the hint and realize what an ass they look like threatening a small helpless child!! I don't want to be the majority who turns their head to ignore the situation.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would have told her I am calling social services on her and she should be ashamed to treat a small child like that. I would tell her that I am going to pick on her like she is picking on someone smaller than her (I am sure I had to be taller than her)......I am one of those people who gets in trouble for saying something in those situations