Friday, April 18, 2008

Parenting Consideration #11

Before thinking of parenthood there should be a list of considerations. This list should not be sugar coated or misleading by any means. Come to think of it some should be considered scare tactics. I know some of you parents out there have children who can do no wrong. Mark my words I am not that parent, I am not the one to say my kid will not do that.......
Case and point, consideration #11(and scare tactic), yesterday in a trip to the grocery store one in which I frequently stop by because I am forgetful and don't make a list (note to self this should be #326, becoming parent makes one lose their mind). My sweet daughter is very independent or at least this is the nice way of saying "your daugther really knows how to voice her opinion, whiny little twit". During our trip at the store she decides five minutes into our much needed fill the cupboards, need diapers and wipes, don't forget the milk and bread, where is the list I didn't fill out shopping trip. My dear daughter decides she wants out of the God-forsaken cart that she is imprisoned in to walk. She looks at me and points to the floor and says "I walk". I suggest that she eats a grape and she is entertained by the idea, and we move on. A few minutes goes by and she points again "I walk". I say no not right now we are shopping, this is not what she wanted to hear, in a fit of rage kicking and yelling "I WALK" over and over again, screaming fills the air, and nothing I suggest will stop the evil head spinning child from changing head mind to walk. I frantically start throwing random things in the cart at this point because people walking by are commenting that wow someone doesn't want to be in there do they? Did I mention my sister was with us? well my sister decides that she would watch her(because my sister is uncomfortable by all the people starting to stare) and takes her out of the cart. I did not think it was a great idea but it stopped the squawking of a persistant "I WALK""I WALK" toddler that if it wasn't for her mother waiting till we used the last diaper and need many more things at home where is my list that is keeping me from walking out the door and saying F it all! We were defeated by a 2 ft and a couple inch tall independent child who can WALK and talk and will remind me for the rest of her life that she is the ring leader in this single parent show.

Do not let the big eyes fool you, this child will take you down................


Anonymous said...

handy tip: did you know you can create your shopping list online?...instead of trolling for celebs all day...
just a thought.

Anonymous said...

Where do you create a shopping list on line? i am so awe struck by this technology...

The 311 Boys Mom said...

dear, dear michelle. . . . . in a few months, when you're turned to get the cerel, she'll be up & OUT of that cart......

I still, however, try & force my wandering, just as loud, independant, I can do it myself 4 yr old to PLEASE jsut sit in teh cart & even bribery stopped working......

& the 16 yr old, put 85 miles on shane rruck Friday from 330-midnight & from 340 Saturday afternoon till last night at 10, he put 279 miles on my truck----everything he knows & does is in a 10 miles radius.....I realized this whn I got in my truck & the gas light was on--MIND YOU I filled up on Thursday & he put 30 in it Saturday night. (takes 57--I found today) to fill it up.

I hate being a teenagers mom.